Issue - meetings


Meeting: 09/10/2019 - Royston and District Committee (Item 30)


To receive petitions and presentations from members of the public including:


1.    Name of organisation



The Community Engagement Officer gave a verbal presentation on behalf of BEEE Creative regarding their Grant Application.


Audio Recording – 4 Minutes 24 Seconds


The Community Engagement Officer read out a statement to the Royston and District Committee and gave a verbal presentation on behalf Ms Carrie Washington of BEEE Creative regarding their Grant Application.  The following points were highlighted:


·                Supported and delivered community projects that gave people access to art opportunities;

·                They wished to offer a series of 60 creative movement workshops which would be held at Royston and District Museum and Art Gallery;

·                Approximately 500 people would benefit from the workshops – target groups being that of families with pre-school children and adults aged 65+; and

·                Dance would be the tool to engage individuals with local cultural heritage and promote community and personal wellbeing.


The following questions asked questions:


Councillor Ruth Brown;

Councillor Jean Green;

Councillor Tony Hunter; and

Councillor Carol Stanier.


In response to questions raised by Members, the Community Engagement Officer confirmed that:


·                People would be charged a specific amount for attendance at workshops for that year only.  In future BEEE Creative would rely on voluntary contributions;

·                The Museum was a suitable place to hold the dance workshops and would provide sufficient space; and

·                The grant application met the required criteria.


The Chairman thanked the Community Engagement Officer.