To receive a report which identifies the latest position on key planning issues affecting the District.
Additional documents:
(1) That the report on strategic planning matters be noted;
(2) That the submission in Appendix A be noted:
(3) That the use of Conservation Area Character Statements for Ashwell, Barkway, Barley, Bendish, Codicote, Croft Lane, Ickleford, Norton, Reed, Roe Green, Rushden, Sandon, Southern Green, Wallington, Whitwell and Therfield, as listed in paragraph 8.4.2 of this report as material considerations in decision making for planning applications and in the preparation of Neighbourhood Plans be endorsed;
(4) That the Strategic Director – Regulatory, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and Transport, be requested to respond to the consultation regarding the expansion of London Luton Airport on behalf of the Council stating that NHDC objects to the proposals for expansion.
REASON FOR DECISIONS: To keep Cabinet informed of recent development on strategic planning matters and progress on the North Hertfordshire Local Plan.
Audio recording – 37 minutes 36 seconds
The Executive Member for Planning and Transport presented the report entitled Strategic Planning Matters together with the following appendix:
· Appendix A – NHDC response to EEH Outline Transport Strategy Consultation.
The Executive Member for Planning and Transport advised Cabinet that:
· NHDC had responded to the Inspectors comments regarding the Local Plan. His reply was expected in January 2020 and additional hearings would likely take place in March 2020;
· In response to Mr Lovegrove’s comments (Minute 64 refers), The Inspector was now in control of the Local Plan and therefore no action could be taken;
· The development of a new settlement was considered during the Local Plan process, however there was a long lead time to a new settlement;
· The Cabinet Panel on the Environment had requested that NHDC respond objecting to the proposal for expansion of London Luton Airport;
· London Luton Airport had given an extension to the Consultation period and Cabinet was asked for permission to respond objecting to the expansion;
· A large amount of traffic for London Luton Airport passed through North Herts.
The following Members asked questions and took part in the debate:
· Councillor Ian Albert;
· Councillor Steve Jarvis;
In response to questions the Executive Member for Planning and Transport advised;
· That the response to the consultation regarding London Luton Airport would be put on the Council’s website;
· If London Luton Airport chose to continue with their proposals there would be an opportunity for more detailed responses to consultations;
· That all opportunities to develop policies taking into account climate change issues would be taken.
It was proposed by Councillor Paul Clark, seconded by Councillor Martin Stears-Handscomb and:
(1) That the report on strategic planning matters be noted;
(2) That the submission in Appendix A be noted:
(3) That the use of Conservation Area Character Statements for Ashwell, Barkway, Barley, Bendish, Codicote, Croft Lane, Ickleford, Norton, Reed, Roe Green, Rushden, Sandon, Southern Green, Wallington, Whitwell and Therfield, as listed in paragraph 8.4.2 of this report as material considerations in decision making for planning applications and in the preparation of Neighbourhood Plans be endorsed;
(4) That the Strategic Director – Regulatory, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and Transport, be requested to respond to the consultation regarding the expansion of London Luton Airport on behalf of the Council stating that NHDC objects to the proposals for expansion.
REASON FOR DECISIONS: To keep Cabinet informed of recent development on strategic planning matters and progress on the North Hertfordshire Local Plan.