Issue - meetings

Annual Reports and Accounts for Council Administered Charities

Meeting: 16/12/2019 - Cabinet Sub-Committee (Council Charities) (Item 8)




To approve the information required by the Charities Commission for the four registered charities, so that the returns can be submitted prior to the 31st January 2020 deadline.

Additional documents:




(1)       That the information required by the Charities Commission for the four registered charities, so that the returns can be submitted prior to the 31st January 2020 deadline be noted;


(2)       That  the requirement for those charities with gross income of more than £25k in their financial year to have their accounts independently examined and, as this applies to King George’s Field and Hitchin Town Hall Gymnasium and Workmans Hall, instructs this to be undertaken for those accounts for 2018/19 be noted. This will be undertaken by the Shared Internal Audit Service (SIAS).


REASON FOR DECISIONS: To facilitate the submission of approved returns to the Charities Commission.


Audio Recording – 12 minutes 55 seconds


The Service Director – Resources presented the report entitled Annual Accounts for Council Administered Charities including the following appendices:


·                Appendix 1a - Hitchin Town Hall Gymnasium and Workman’s Hall Trust Accounts; 

·                Appendix 1b - Hitchin Town Hall Gymnasium and Workman’s Hall Trust Annual Report; 

·                Appendix 2a - King George V Playing Fields Accounts; 

·                Appendix 2b - King George V Playing Fields Annual Return; 

·                Appendix 3a - Smithson Recreation Ground Accounts; 

·                Appendix 3b - Smithson Recreation Ground Annual Return.


The Service Director – Resources advised that the following amendments were required to the report:


·                Paragraph 8.6 – NHDC’s contribution to this Trust was £77,000:

·                Paragraph 8.7 – As there was equipment at this location the last sentence of this Paragraph should be deleted.


He also advised that:


·                That Hitchin Town Hall Gymnasium and Workmans Hall Trust, King George’s Field Hitchin and Smithson Recreation Ground had to submit accounts to the Charities Commission;

·                That the Hertfordshire Yeomanry and Artillery Collection did not involve land or buildings and that no decisions had been taken that required consideration of public benefit. Therefore there was no return for the Sub-Committee to approve.

·                The Hitchin Town Hall Gymnasium and Workmans Hall Trust and King George 5 Field would, due to income of more than £25,000, require independent examination.


Having considered the report, it was




(1)       That the information required by the Charities Commission for the four registered charities, so that the returns can be submitted prior to the 31st January 2020 deadline be noted;


(2)       That  the requirement for those charities with gross income of more than £25k in their financial year to have their accounts independently examined and, as this applies to King George’s Field and Hitchin Town Hall Gymnasium and Workmans Hall, instructs this to be undertaken for those accounts for 2018/19 be noted. This will be undertaken by the Shared Internal Audit Service (SIAS).


REASON FOR DECISIONS: To facilitate the submission of approved returns to the Charities Commission.