Issue - meetings

Grant Policy Report

Meeting: 08/01/2020 - Southern Rural Committee (Item 24)




This report outlines the proposed review of the Community Grants policy and criteria. It outlines a timetable regarding further consultation, with Councillors sitting on each of the five Area Committees; Overview and Scrutiny, Cabinet and Full Council with the view that any changes and updates will be in place for the new policy to commence at the start of the forthcoming financial year 2020/21.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the proposed review of the Community Grants Policy and criteria be noted.


RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That the criteria and outline consultation process be approved, subject to the following amendments:


·                Grant eligibility criteria clause B on page 96 of the report - grants to only be given to organisations based within the North Hertfordshire District rather than broadly ‘be for the benefit of North Hertfordshire residents.’


REASON FOR DECISION: The awarding of grant funding awards to organisations, charities and voluntary groups, and the use of grant budgets devolved to Area Committees allows the Authority to further its aims and overarching Priorities of the Council and District.


Audio Recording – 45 Minutes


The Community Engagement Team Leader presented the report entitled Community Grants Policy Review and advised the following:


·                The report outlined the proposed changes to the grants policy;

·                The process had been simplified;

·                The policy was last reviewed in 2016;

·                Changes to the eligibility criteria were on page 90 of the report at paragraph 8.2.1;

·                Organisations with charitable status, voluntary sector groups, community groups, Community Interest Companies, Community Interest Organisations, Schools, Academies, Business Improvement District Groups, Parish and Town Councils were now able to apply for grants;

·                The 2016 Policy stated that applicants were ineligible for funding if they had other funding from NHDC within 2 years. This would no longer apply under the new policy;

·                These changes would encourage a variety of organisations to apply and;

·                The new criteria was similar to that of other local authorities.


The following Members asked questions:


·                Councillor John Bishop;

·                Councillor David Barnard;

·                Councillor Faye Frost;

·                Councillor George Davies;

·                Councillor Claire Strong and;

·                Councillor Sam North.


Members raised the following:


·                There was a concern expressed in relation to the policy change detailed at paragraph 8.2.3 in regards to allowing applicants to apply for a grant despite receiving funds within the 2 years;

·                The types of organisations that would be eligible for funding and;

·                Whether grants should only be awarded to organisations based within North Hertfordshire rather than the broader eligibility criteria of ‘be for the benefit of North Hertfordshire residents’ as detailed on page 96 of the report under Eligibility Criteria.


The Community Engagement Team Leader provided the following responses to points and questions raised:


·                In order to be eligible for funding, organisations would need to be a CIC/CIO, hold charity status or have a Constitution;

·                Area Committee Grants were not as substantial as pre-2016;

·                District wide Community Grant applicants may be considered by a proposed District-wide panel and;

·                A proposed change in the Council’s constitution will allow for the relevant Executive Member to authorise a District-wide grant.


RESOLVED: That the proposed review of the Community Grants Policy and criteria be noted.


RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That the criteria and outline consultation process be approved, subject to the following amendments:


·                Grant eligibility criteria clause B on page 96 of the report - grants to only be given to organisations based within the North Hertfordshire District rather than broadly ‘be for the benefit of North Hertfordshire residents.’


REASON FOR DECISION: The awarding of grant funding awards to organisations, charities and voluntary groups, and the use of grant budgets devolved to Area Committees allows the Authority to further its aims and overarching Priorities of the Council and District.