Issue - meetings

Succession Planning & Career Development

Meeting: 11/03/2020 - Joint Staff Consultative Committee (Item 41)


To receive a discussion paper on Succession Planning & Career Development.


IT WAS AGREED: That the discussion paper on Succession Planning and Career Development be noted.


REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Committee to consider the discussion paper on Succession Planning and Career Development.


Audio Recording – 53 Minutes 25 Seconds


The Corporate Human Resources Manager presented the Strategic Discussion Paper entitled Succession Planning and Career Development, as follows:


·                Regular Performance Reviews were an integral way for employees and managers to discuss career and personal development;

·                There was a core list of essential learning on the Learning Management System;

·                There were a range of development opportunities;

·                Coaching and Mentoring were an additional tool to support personal and career development;

·                The Career Development Survey 2019 revealed that some staff members were happy in their current role and did not wish to progress up the career ladder;

·                The Career Development Survey 2019 illustrated that the percentage of people satisfied staying in their current job increased with age; and

·                Staff working full time felt that sponsoring work-related qualifications was the most important measure to develop their career.


The following Members took part in the discussion:


·                Councillor Martin Stears-Handscomb;

·                Councillor Kay Tart; and

·                Councillor Tony Hunter.


In response to points raised by Members, the Corporate Human Resources Manager provided the following responses:


·                The Career Development Survey was sent to all staff and it would be re-run in the future;

·                Training was taking place to ensure managers understand how to conduct RPR discussions;

·                Staff were encouraged to discuss with their manager the areas that they would like to develop;

·                In order to improve job satisfaction:

·                The Flexi-time policy had been modernised;

·                The early Christmas closure has been made permanent;

·                There were more social clubs taking place i.e. ‘Pay Day Drinks’; and

·                The Staff Recognition Scheme had been introduced.

·                There were a number of workshops and training opportunities available on the learning management system.


IT WAS AGREED: That the discussion paper on Succession Planning and Career Development be noted.


REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Committee to consider the discussion paper on Succession Planning and Career Development.