Issue - meetings

19/01172/HYA Anglian Business Park, Orchard Road, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5TW

Meeting: 28/05/2020 - Planning Control Committee (Item 104)



Hybrid application for the residential redevelopment of the Anglian Business Park to provide a total of up to 67 dwellings (of a range of sizes, types and tenures including affordable housing) and associated parking, landscaping, open space and ancillary works comprising: PHASE 1 - Application for full planning permission for the erection of two apartment blocks within the southern part of the site comprising a total of 28 units and associated parking, landscaping, open space and associated works; SUBSEQUENT PHASES - Application for outline planning permission on the remaining part of the site involving the demolition of the existing business park buildings and the provision of up to 39 dwellings including a mix of houses and apartments and associated parking, landscaping, open space and ancillary works (all matters reserved except for access).

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That application 19/01172/HYA be GRANTED planning permission subject to completion of a satisfactory Section106 agreement and the conditions and reasons contained in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager and the following amended and additional informatives:


Amended Condition 16:


To include additional sentence after the first sentence as follows: ‘these details are also to include the specification of the proposed bin stores’


An additional informative to read:


Design of Subsequent Phases


It should be noted that the Council considers that the design of subsequent phases approved in outline must be predicated on the applicant’s overall objective of ‘greening the site’. Accordingly, the figure of 39 units is an upper quantum and should be regarded as subordinate to the aforementioned design objective.


Audio Recording – 11 Minutes 35 Seconds


Hybrid application for the residential redevelopment of the Anglian Business Park to provide a total of up to 67 dwellings (of a range of sizes, types and tenures including affordable housing) and associated parking, landscaping, open space and ancillary works comprising: PHASE 1 - Application for full planning permission for the erection of two apartment blocks within the southern part of the site comprising a total of 28 units and associated parking, landscaping, open space and associated works; SUBSEQUENT PHASES - Application for outline planning permission on the remaining part of the site involving the demolition of the existing business park buildings and the provision of up to 39 dwellings including a mix of houses and apartments and associated parking, landscaping, open space and ancillary works (all matters reserved except for access).


The Principal Planning Officer informed Members of the Committee that there were some corrections to the report, as follows:


·                Paragraph 4.3.13 – the first sentence should read “would be satisfactory” (“be” was missing)


·                Paragraph 4.4.1 should be re-worded to read:


‘That permission be granted in detail for phase 1 and in outline for phases 2 and 3. NOTE: Most conditions apply only to the detailed permission for 28 units (phase 1) Conditions will be identified as applying to either the ‘detailed’ or ‘outline’ permission. No designation identifies conditions as applying to both.’


·                Condition 23 should cite ‘condition 22’ not condition 23.


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report in respect of application 19/01172/HYA supported by a visual presentation consisting of photographs and plans.


Mr Kaine Rowley thanked the Chair for the opportunity to address the Committee in objection to planning application 19/01172/HYA, including:


·                The primary concern centred around the increase traffic on Orchard Road during the phased build and after;

·                During peak ‘non-Covid’ times, it already took 10-15 minutes to exit Orchard Grange onto Orchard Road owing to parked vehicles;

·                Exiting onto Orchard Road was made more difficult as a result of poor visibility and Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs);

·                The addition of more HGVs during the construction work and more residential vehicles post construction work, would compound the already existing issue;

·                Disruption could be caused to existing residents; and

·                Noise from the proposed new play area could affect residents.


The following Members sought clarification from Mr Rowley’s presentation:


·                Councillor Ruth Brown; and

·                Councillor Michael Weeks.


In response to questions of clarification, Mr Rowley responded as follows:


·                The issue with exiting the Orchard Grange estate was due to vehicles parked opposite on Charding Crescent and a high number of construction vehicles using the road;


In response to Members’ questions, the Principal Planning Officer responded as follows:


·                Members were considering outlined and detailed planning permission – Phase 1 in detail and Phases 2 and 3 as a matter of principle up to 39 dwellings.


NB: There was a pause in proceedings at 20:00 to carry out the ‘Clap for Carers’. The meeting resumed at 20:05.


Following the pause in proceedings, the Principal Planning  ...  view the full minutes text for item 104