Issue - meetings

20/00865/FP 1a Kings Road, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG5 1RD

Meeting: 18/06/2020 - Planning Control Committee (Item 8)



Residential development of 5 units comprising 1 x 2-bed flat and 4 x 1-bed flats together with associated bike storage, bin storage and amenity space following the demolition of existing MOT garage.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That application 20/00865/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the conditions and reasons contained in report of the Development and Conservation Manager and the following additional condition:


Condition 7:


Notwithstanding the submitted details, the bedroom windows to flats 2 and 4 as shown on the proposed north elevation at first and second floor level on plan no. 403A shall be fully obscure glazed.


Reason: To prevent overlooking and to maintain the privacy of adjoining residents.


Audio Recording – 14 Minutes 57 Seconds


Residential development of 5 units comprising 1 x 2-bed flat and 4 x 1-bed flats together with associated bike storage, bin storage and amenity space following the demolition of existing MOT garage.


Before presenting the report, the Principal Planning Officer advised that there were some updates to be provided, as follows:


·                In relation to reducing the double yellow line parking restrictions, the Strategic Infrastructure & Projects Manager advised that the yellow lines should be maintained to ensure adequate vehicle turning space; and

·                Hertfordshire Highways also advised that yellow line parking restrictions should remain in place to ensure highway safety and access.


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report in respect of application 20/00865/FP supported by a visual presentation consisting of photographs and plans.


Mr Ian Barker thanked the Chair the opportunity to address the Committee in objection to application 20/00865/FP, including:


·                Kings Road was a small road running in a northerly direction off Nightingale Road in Hitchin;

·                The proposed development was on 3 floors, and would be a higher construction than the next residential property at number 1 Kings Road;

·                There would be windows on the 1st and 2nd floor which would give a very clear and considerable overlook into my garden; and

·                The proposed development extended as far back as the existing properties and had windows at its rear which extended back significantly – the windows would allow very considerable overlook of a type simply not enabled anywhere else on Kings Road.


The following Members asked questions of Mr Barker’s presentation:


·                Councillor David Levett; and

·                Councillor Mike Rice.


In response to questions raised, Mr Barker responded as follows:


·                He had not raised objections to the previous application; and

·                He could not see into the rear of other people’s garden.


Councillor Ian Albert thanked the Chair for the opportunity to address the Committee as Member Advocate, including:


·                Hitchin did need further residential accommodation;

·                Residents of Kings Road fully recognised that a development both near the station and near the town was desirable;

·                The Planning Officer recognised that the new building was considerably higher than the existing building but believed that it was acceptable due to other similar developments nearby;

·                This development would have a significant impact upon residents and would be intrusive;

·                Obscured glass on the bottom half of windows would not resolve the problem;

·                Another alternative was that the whole of the overlooking windows should be opaque;

·                The development would increase traffic congestion; and

·                Despite the accessibility to the station and the town, residents still required a vehicle.


The following Members took part in the debate:


·                Councillor Tony Hunter;

·                Councillor Mike Hughson;

·                Councillor David Levett;

·                Councillor Val Bryant;

·                Councillor Sue Ngwala.


Points raised by Members:


·                Proposing fully obscured glass to prevent overlooking;

·                Obscured windows could impact on the quality of the living space;

·                Car parking and the use of a nearby car park for residents to use; and

·                Parking was intolerable for residents.


In response to points raised, the Principal Planning Officer responded  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8