Issue - meetings

Garden Waste Collection Service Impacts of Covid 19

Meeting: 16/06/2020 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 16)




To consider and agree initiatives and recompense that recognises the inconvenience caused to our residents due to the impact of Covid 19 on the Garden Waste Collection Service.


RESOLVED: That the report entitles Garden Waste Collection Service Impacts of Covid-19 be noted.


RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That Council agrees an extension of the current 12 months payment period for green waste collection, for a further period of 2 months [The loss of income based on current (48%) uptake is approximately £186,000].


REASON FOR DECISION: To acknowledge service disruption / suspension in our garden waste collection service and demonstrate to residents that the Council accepts the inconvenience caused during the seasonal peak of garden waste production.


Audio Recording – 1 hour 59 minutes 57 seconds


Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg, Executive Member for Recycling and Waste Management, presented the report entitled Garden Waste Collection Service Impacts of Covid 19 and drew attention to the following:


·                Three collection had been missed due to Covid-19 out of 26 collections in the year;

·                An extension to the existing period was the most reasonable outcome which would result in a loss of £186,000;

·                This extension would mean the renewal would be in October, which was a low gardening period, which could result in an initial low renewal rate;

·                With the uncertainty of the future relating to Covid-19 it may be that the service has to be suspended again in future;


The following Members took part in the debate and asked questions:


·                Councillor David Levett;

·                Councillor Terry Hone;

·                Councillor Tony Hunter;

·                Councillor Sam Collins;

·                Councillor Claire Strong


In response to questions Councillor Dennis-Harburg advised:


·                Residents received a one year service from the date they paid;

·                There had been a number of issues with implementing direct debits although it was hoped that this service would be available by the renewal date;

·                It had never been policy to collect garden waste from those who had not paid;

·                This was a joint contract with East Herts;

·                There had been a number of collection staff who had self isolated due to Covid 19 and this had affected the ability to continue collections;

·                Drivers of waste vehicles were specialist HGV drivers and could not easily be replaced;


RESOLVED: That the report entitled Garden Waste Collection Service Impacts of Covid-19 be noted.


RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That Council agrees an extension of the current 12 months payment period for green waste collection, for a further period of 2 months [The loss of income based on current (48%) uptake is approximately £186,000].


REASON FOR DECISION: To acknowledge service disruption / suspension in our garden waste collection service and demonstrate to residents that the Council accepts the inconvenience caused during the seasonal peak of garden waste production.