Issue - meetings

Risk Management Update

Meeting: 07/09/2020 - Finance, Audit and Risk Committee (Item 35)



An update on Risk Management at North Hertfordshire District Council.

Additional documents:




(1)       That the Corporate Risk for the impact of Anti-Social Behaviour on Council Facilities be retained at a risk score of 7 instead of reduced to 5;


(2)       That the Novel Coronavirus (covid19) Corporate risk be retained at a risk score of 9 instead of reduced to 8;


(3)       That the New Corporate Risk, Covid19 – Leisure Management Contract, be proposed as a risk score of 8.


(4)       That the Route Optimisation of Collection Rounds Risk be archived.




(1)       The responsibility for ensuring the management of risks is that of Cabinet;


(2)       This Committee has responsibility to monitor the effective development and operation of Risk Management.


Audio Recording – 44 Minutes


The Service Director – Resources presented the report entitled Risk Management Update, including:


·                The Risk Management Group (RMG) discussed the impact of Anti-Social Behaviour on Council Facilities. The Group agreed to the reduction in the risk score from a 7 to a 5;

·                In view of the Director of Public Health Herts reports stating that we were heading down the curve both locally and nationally, it was agreed by the RMG that the Covid-19 risk score should be reduced from a 9 to an 8;

·                The RMG discussed the Service Risk for the Leisure Management Contract,. The group agreed that it should be split into two separate risk entries, one relating to the significant risks associated with Covid-19 and the other relating to the previously recorded ongoing operational risks. The RMG proposed that the Covid-19 risk should be a corporate risk with a score of  8;

·                The Service Manager for Waste and Recycling had provided further information in relation to the Route Optimisation of Collection Rounds Risk. It has been confirmed that the route optimisation of rounds was complete and collection services were operating within normal expected parameters. Therefore, as the work has been completed and appropriate risk mitigation measures were in place, it was recommended that the risk was now archived.


The following Members asked questions:


·                Councillor Sam Collins;

·                Councillor Sam North;

·                Councillor Kate Aspinwall;

·                Councillor Adem Ruggiero-Cakir; and

·                Councillor Michael Weeks.


Following Members questions relating to the Impact of Anti-Social Behaviour on Council Facilities Corporate Risk Score, the Service Director – Resources provided further information as to the reasons the score was reduced. He advised that work had been completed prior to Lockdown to tackle anti-social behaviour such as making physical improvements to the Lairage car park and the Car Parking Team moving back into the car park. Additionally, work done by the Community Protection team, the Police and Schools had all helped to reduce Anti-Social Behaviour in the car park.


There was a further discussion on the decision to reduce the Impact of Anti-Social Behaviour on Council Facilities risk score, with Members providing reasons that the risk score should not be reduced.


In light of Members’ points, the Service Director – Resources responded that the risk score specifically related to Anti-Social Behaviour against Council facilities rather than general Anti-Social Behaviour.


A Member raised a question relating to Stevenage Leisure which the Service Director – Resources advised there would be a report presented at Council in regards to that subject.


There was a discussion as to whether the Covid-19 risk score should be reduced as there was a possibility of a second wave of the pandemic that could have a further impact on the Council’s income.


The Service Director – Resources advised that there were mitigation processes in place such as the car park income guarantee from the Government.




(1)       That the Corporate Risk for the impact of Anti-Social Behaviour on Council Facilities be retained at a risk score of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 35