Venue: Council Chamber, District Council Offices, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 3JF
Contact: Committee Services- 01462 474655 Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Members are required to notify any substitutions by midday on the day of the meeting.
Late substitutions will not be accepted and Members attending as a substitute without having given the due notice will not be able to take part in the meeting. Decision: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Amy Allen, Sadie Billing and Elizabeth Dennis.
Having given due notice, Councillor Mick Debenham substituted for Councillor Allen. |
MINUTES - 16 JANUARY 2025 To take as read and approve as a true record the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on the 16 January 2025. Decision: RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 16 January 2025 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chair. |
NOTIFICATION OF OTHER BUSINESS Members should notify the Chair of other business which they wish to be discussed at the end of either Part I or Part II business set out in the agenda. They must state the circumstances which they consider justify the business being considered as a matter of urgency.
The Chair will decide whether any item(s) raised will be considered. Decision: There was no other business notified. |
CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and are required to notify the Chair of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest, wishing to exercise a ‘Councillor Speaking Right’, must declare this at the same time as the interest, move to the public area before speaking to the item and then must leave the room before the debate and vote. Decision: (1) The Chair advised that, in accordance with Council Policy, the meeting would be recorded.
(2) The Chair drew attention to the item on the agenda front pages regarding Declarations of Interest and reminded Members that, in line with the Code of Conduct, any Declarations of Interest needed to be declared immediately prior to the item in question.
(3) The Chair clarified matters for the registered speakers.
(4) The Chair advised that Section 4.8.23(a) of the Constitution applied to the meeting. |
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public. Decision: The Chair confirmed that the registered speakers were in attendance. |
MANAGER Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED: That application 24/01371/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the reasons and conditions set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager, plus the standard Biodiversity Net Gain planning condition. |
To update Members on appeals lodged and any decisions made. Additional documents:
Decision: The Development and Conservation Manager provided an update on Planning Appeals. |