Agenda item




To inform members of the reporting process for the NNDR1 Return and approve the Draft NNDR1 Return for 2021/2022.




(1)       That Recommendation 2.1 regarding the Draft NNDR 1 be deleted;


(2)       That the draft version of the NNDR sent to Councils by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) at 18.07hrs on Friday 18th December 2020, be noted.


(3)       That Recommendation 2.3 be amended to read: ‘that the Committee delegates the sign-off and any subsequent amendments to the return resulting from changes to the form and any additional guidance, to the Service Director – Customers in consultation with the Service Director – Resources and the Committee Chair and that the form be circulated to the Council Tax Setting Committee for comment;


(4)       That the sign-off and any subsequent amendments to the return resulting from changes to the form and any additional guidance be delegated to the Service Director – Customers in consultation with the Service Director – Resources and the Committee Chair and that the form be circulated to the Council Tax Setting Committee for comment.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: To comply with statutory requirements.


Audio Recording – 8 Minutes 24 Seconds


The Service Director – Customers presented the report entitled National Non Domestic Rate Return (NNDR1) 2021/2022.


The Service Director – Customers advised that the National Non Domestic Rate Return was a statutory return which had to be submitted to the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government by 31 January 2021.


The Service Director – Customers explained that it was not unusual for the form to arrive late and this had been the case this year. This meant that there was not sufficient time for colleagues to complete the return. It was for this reason that the form had not been included in the report. With this information in mind, the Service Director – Customers requested an amendment to Recommendation 2.1.


The Systems and Technical Manager added it had been difficult to complete the form namely owing to receiving it late, but also as a result of the uncertainties produced by the pandemic.


Following the information that had been provided regarding the return form, the Service Director – Customers advised that the return form was not available to be approved, therefore it was suggested that Recommendation 2.1 be deleted.


The Service Director – Customers also suggested that Recommendation 2.3 be amended to read: ‘that the Committee delegates the sign-off and any subsequent amendments to the return resulting from changes to the form and any additional guidance, to the Service Director – Customers in consultation with the Service Director – Resources and the Committee Chair’


Councillor Sam North put forward an amendment to Recommendation 2.3, adding in ‘that the form be circulated to the Council Tax Setting Committee for comment’.


Councillor David Levett asked if the Committee were legally able to delegate the signing off of the form.


In response, the Service Director – Customers confirmed that this was able to happen.


The Systems and Technical Manager added that every year, owing to the form being received late, it had to be delegated down to the Executive Member and Service Director.


The Chair verified with Members that they were happy with the amended Recommendation 2.3.


It was:




(1)       That Recommendation 2.1 regarding the Draft NNDR 1 be deleted;


(2)       That the draft version of the NNDR sent to Councils by the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) at 18.07hrs on Friday 18th December 2020, be noted.


(3)       That Recommendation 2.3 be amended to read: ‘that the Committee delegates the sign-off and any subsequent amendments to the return resulting from changes to the form and any additional guidance, to the Service Director – Customers in consultation with the Service Director – Resources and the Committee Chair and that the form be circulated to the Council Tax Setting Committee for comment;


(4)       That the sign-off and any subsequent amendments to the return resulting from changes to the form and any additional guidance be delegated to the Service Director – Customers in consultation with the Service Director – Resources and the Committee Chair and that the form be circulated to the Council Tax Setting Committee for comment.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: To comply with statutory requirements.

Supporting documents: