Agenda item


To receive an oral presentation from the Hitchin Town Centre Manager


Mr Keith Hoskins, Hitchin Town Centre Manager, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the issues and activities in Hitchin Town Centre.




(1)       That the Hitchin Committee places on record thanks to Mr Keith Hoskins, Hitchin BID and Town Centre Manager, for his many years hard work for the Town and their good wishes for the future;


(2)       That the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management be requested to advise this Committee how much NHDC earns from filming in Hitchin and how that money is spent;


(3)       That the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management be requested to give advice regarding the placement and efficiency of the fountain in Hitchin Town Centre.


REASON FOR DECISION: To inform the Hitchin Committee about the amount of money earned from filming in Hitchin and how that money is spent.


Mr Keith Hoskins, Hitchin Town Centre Manager, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the issues and activities in Hitchin Town Centre and drew attention to the following:


Renewal BID Ballot

The renewal of the BID was due in 2018 and this would be pursued.


The BID was extremely grateful to NHDC for holding the BID ballots and collecting the BID levy free of charge.


The benefits and advantages of the BID could be seen around the Town.


Members asked whether the potential increase in the levels and timing of car parking charges would have an effect on the success of the BID renewal.


Mr Hoskins advised that car parking charges would have no effect on the success of the BID.



Mr Hoskins advised that, if the BID were responsible for car parking in the town, they would charge a flat fee, but would ensure that any revenue was ring-fenced for use in Hitchin.


It should not be necessary to beg for funding for projects, considering the level of income raised by car parking in the town.



Paperchase and an art gallery in Hermitage Road would be opening


Sadly Hawkins would be closing its doors after 154 years in business.


Work was being undertaken to make arrangements for the retention school uniform sales in the Town Centre, two companies had expressed interest.


Work was actively being undertaken to relocate the dry-cleaning franchise currently within Hawkins.


Cycle Racks

Cycle racks would make reappearance in Market Square in the next financial year.


Christmas Lights

The connection of the Christmas Lights had been difficult with Ringway causing problems this year.


Members were concerned about the problems caused by Ringway.



The fountain in the Town Centre had been paid for by a benefactor. This has not worked efficiently for some.


If problems can be solved regarding the placement of this fountain, the previous benefactor would be willing to fund a replacement fountain or an upgrade to enable it to work efficiently.



There had been a lot of filming in Hitchin Town Centre and it was queried how much money was made from filming in the Town and how and where this money was spent.


The Dell

Members asked whether there had been any progress regarding the Dell


Mr Hoskins advised that progress was extremely slow. They were currently awaiting written confirmation from the family that they agree to the proposals at the Dell.


He would start chasing this after Christmas.



Members acknowledged that Mr Hoskins would be retiring from the day to day running if the BID and Town Centre. They wished to place on record the Committee’s thanks for his many years hard work for the town and their good wishes for the future.


The Chairman thanked Mr Hoskins for his presentation.




(1)       That the Hitchin Committee places on record thanks to Mr Keith Hoskins, Hitchin BID and Town Centre Manager, for his many years hard work for the Town and their good wishes for the future;


(2)       That the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management be requested to advise this Committee how much NHDC earns from filming in Hitchin and how that money is spent;


(3)       That the Head of Finance, Performance and Asset Management be requested to give advice regarding the placement and efficiency of the fountain in Hitchin Town Centre.


REASON FOR DECISION: To inform the Hitchin Committee about the amount of money earned from filming in Hitchin and how that money is spent.