Agenda item




To provide the committee an update regarding the progress and development of the areas of environmental sensitivity, including Local Nature Reserves, within the area of Hitchin.



(1)       That the evolution of the Management Plans for the next five years as they relate to Oughtonhead Common, Purwell Meadows and Burymead Springs be noted;


(2)       That the Action Plans for Oughtonhead Common, Purwell Meadows and Burymead Springs be supported;


(3)       That the progress achieved to deliver the Management Plans for Walsworth Common, Cadwell Lane and St John’s Cemetery be noted.


REASON FOR DECISION: To keep the Hitchin Committee appraised of the progress made against the management and action plans for the areas of environmental importance in and around Hitchin.


The Service Manager – Grounds Maintenance presented the report entitled update regarding the on-going maintenance of areas of environmental importance.


He explained that the aim was to agree the action plans regarding Oughtonhead Common, Purwell Meadows and Burymead Springs and to provide an update regarding progress against delivery of the management plans for Walsworth Common, Cadwell Lane and St John’s Cemetery.


In respect of Burymead Springs, the development of the rail curve had meant that the site had been unavailable for a number of years. The Management Plan agreed with Network Rail to provide planting, replacement hedging etc. had now been completed and the site had been handed back to NHDC to manage.


The Action Plan being considered now was only the second for this area and aimed to move forward by managing the ecology in the area.


Walsworth Common had recently had a launch event regarding the signage at the site and the redevelopment of the pond, which had been part funded by the Tesco Bags for Life grant funding scheme.


Securing of external grant funding was key to delivery of the action plans at all of the sites.


The Team had been trialling different management regimes for the management of St John’s Cemetery, which had attracted a lot of interest. The Cemetery now had a fabulous Friends of Groups who worked in the cemetery on most Fridays.


All sites were monitored by the Countryside Management Service, who keep an eye on and encourage the work undertaken by the volunteer groups.


In all cases they undertook a full and comprehensive consultation with local residents who have the opportunity to give feedback, which was then fed into the management plan.


Members questioned why the area of Windmill Hill was not included in the report


The Service Manager – Grounds Maintenance advised that both the Dell and Windmill Hill were classified as open space rather than a nature reserve. He clarified that these areas had very little ecological value. Both areas were key open spaces for the Town Centre and were managed as such, although he was open to any suggestions regarding these sites.


He advised that he was aware of the proposals for the future of the Dell and would not wish to pre-empt any initiatives for the area by investing in the area prematurely.


Windmill Hill currently had a public art installation, which had been sponsored by Hitchin Initiative.


Members were appreciative of the work undertaken by the Grounds Team in maintaining and enhancing the open areas and areas of environmental importance.



(1)       That the evolution of the Management Plans for the next five years as they relate to Oughtonhead Common, Purwell Meadows and Burymead Springs be noted;


(2)       That the Action Plans for Oughtonhead Common, Purwell Meadows and Burymead Springs be supported;


(3)       That the progress achieved to deliver the Management Plans for Walsworth Common, Cadwell Lane and St John’s Cemetery be noted.


REASON FOR DECISION: To keep the Hitchin Committee appraised of the progress made against the management and action plans for the areas of environmental importance in and around Hitchin.

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