Agenda item


To receive the annual update from the Hertfordshire Constabulary on their work in the Hitchin area.


Sergeant Alan Clarke, Hertfordshire Constabulary, presented the annual update on crime reporting and prevention in the Hitchin Committee area.


Audio Recording – 10 minutes 45 seconds.


Sergeant Alan Clarke, Hertfordshire Constabulary, presented the annual update on crime reporting and prevention in the Hitchin Committee area. The following information was provided:


·                COVID and lockdown measures had a significant impact on crime reporting;

·                The comparison provided compared 1 April 2020 – 1 March 2021 with the same period in previous years;

·                There were 1660 crimes recorded in the Hitchin area during the year, down 20% from the previous year;

·                This was in part due to COVID.



·                Residential - 51 reports, down from 77 the year prior.

·                Business - 34 offences, down from 53.


Theft from Motor Vehicle

·                60 reported offences, down from 70


Domestic Abuse

·                Members will have seen awareness material and discussion in the media around domestic abuse

·                Reports of domestic abuse in the North Hertfordshire area as a whole were down by 14%



·                13 reports, down from 22

·                1 reported robbery of a business


Violence against the Person

·                593 reports, down from 682


Criminal Damage

·                177 reports, down from 254



·                From shops: 130 reported, down from 153

·                Theft from persons tended to be targeted against the elderly;

·                Theft from persons had an 80% decrease on last year, with 10 reports



·                Up slightly, to 91 reports from 89 in the previous year

·                Every drugs offence recorded has a positive outcome in that possession is identified


Anti-social Behaviour

·                Large decrease in antisocial behaviour rules, by and large due to lockdown regulations


Neighbourhood Watch

·                There had been positive uptake in the Hitchin Area for the neighbourhood watch/OWL service, approximately 25% of households in Hitchin were registered


Other Matters

·                Priority Setting forums had to go virtual;

·                The meeting in December determined the two priorities for the service were speeding and drugs (with related antisocial behaviour)

·                The next priority setting forum would be in the week commencing 12April 2021;



The following Members asked questions:


·                Councillor Paul Clark

·                Councillor Judi Billing

·                Councillor Clare Billing

·                Councillor Richard Thake


In response to questions Sergeant Alan Clarke responded as follows:


·                Hitchin ward councillors will be invited to the next priority setting forum;

·                The constabulary were supportive of any effort to gain evidence of offences around Woodside Car Park and would continue discussions outside of this meeting;

·                Responsibility for parking enforcement sat with civil enforcement officers but patrol routes could be used to ensure problem areas were well monitored;

·                If Members or the public had concerns about dangerous parking or wilful obstruction they should contact 111;

·                Virtual consultation for priority setting was at this time by survey/email but video meetings were a possibility;

·                It was important not to take a reduction in reported domestic abuse cases as positive news at face value. Reporting indicates confidence from the public in the ability to address domestic abuse issues and it was known that cases are underreported.

·                There was a dedicated team in the constabulary for responding to domestic abuse cases and great importance was placed on the issue by the police.


The Chair thanked Sergeant. Alan Clarke and the Hertfordshire Constabulary for their work in the Hitchin area.