To consider the recommendations for a revised programme of work to support the implementation of the new Local Plan prior to consideration by Cabinet.
(1) That the North Hertfordshire Masterplanning Guidance, attached as Appendix A, be approved and recognised as a material consideration in the determination of relevant planning applications with the following amendment;
(i) That Paragraph 3.2 be amended to include references to Neighbourhood Planning Groups and the Design SPD.
(2) That officers be authorised to commence work on a revised and updated programme of Supplementary Planning Documents and supporting evidence as set out in this report.
(3) That to support recommendation 2.2, Cabinet:
a. Resolve not to pursue the preparation of a Community Infrastructure Levy for the District at this time; and
b. Authorise the reprofiling of existing, approved revenue budgets for Community Infrastructure Levy (£87,000) and the potential Single Issue Review of the Local Plan (£80,000) to deliver this work;
(4) That Member working group be arranged to discuss the Design and Sustainability SPDs prior to consideration of these by Cabinet.
REASON FOR DECISIONS: To ensure that resources are used most effectively to support the implementation of the new Local Plan for North Hertfordshire and to improve delivery upon corporate priorities relating to place leadership and the declared climate change emergency.
Audio recording – 23 minutes 15 seconds
The Executive Member for Planning and Transport introduced the revised report entitled Local Plan Implementation together with the following appendix:
· Appendix A - North Hertfordshire Masterplanning Principles.
The Strategic Planning Manager drew attention to the following:
· This was a wide ranging report that set out a programme of work to support the Local Plan;
· Modifications had not yet been received by the Inspector;
· There had been a lot of changes both Nationally and locally;
· Section 7 of the report set out the policies;
· Section 8 set out a way to move forward;
· There was a significant risk in moving forward with CIL at the current time, as the Government were planning to undertake a review of CIL.
The following Members asked questions and took part in the debate:
· Councillor Sam Collins;
· Councillor David Levett;
· Councillor Tom Tyson.
The Strategic Planning Manager and Principal Strategic Planning Officer responded to questions including:
· That the revised Design SPD could be considered by the Committee alternatively a Member workshop could be organised for this purpose;
· The Master Planning guidance was guidance on the process, whereas the Design and Sustainability SPDs were the detail;
· The Government was being quite prescriptive regarding what could be included in design SPDs and work was needed to ensure that our guidance complied;
· This report would be considered by Cabinet on 16 March 2021 and it was hoped that it would be able to be considered by full Council at the end of the year;
· That there was an very important community led aspect, which included Neighbourhood Plans.
The Executive Member for Planning and Transport advised:
· Acknowledged the work previously undertaken by Councillors Collins and Levett regarding the draft Design SPD and noted that as the Local Plan had been delayed, it had been necessary to change elements;
· Consideration of CIL was not appropriate at this time, but it would be considered at a later date.
(1) That the North Hertfordshire Masterplanning Guidance, attached as Appendix A, be approved and recognised as a material consideration in the determination of relevant planning applications with the following amendment;
(i) That Paragraph 3.2 be amended to include references to Neighbourhood Planning Groups and the Design SPD.
(2) That officers be authorised to commence work on a revised and updated programme of Supplementary Planning Documents and supporting evidence as set out in this report;
(3) That to support recommendation 2.2, Cabinet:
a. Resolve not to pursue the preparation of a Community Infrastructure Levy for the District at this time; and
b. Authorise the reprofiling of existing, approved revenue budgets for Community Infrastructure Levy (£87,000) and the potential Single Issue Review of the Local Plan (£80,000) to deliver this work;
(4) That a Member working group be arranged to discuss the Design and Sustainability SPDs prior to consideration of these by Cabinet.
REASON FOR DECISIONS: To ensure that resources are used most effectively to support the implementation of the new Local Plan for North Hertfordshire and to improve delivery upon corporate priorities relating to place leadership and the declared climate change emergency.
Supporting documents: