Agenda item


To receive an oral presentation from Chief Inspector Julie Wheatley, Hertfordshire Constabulary.


RESOLVED: That the Chief Executive be requested to include an item in MIS regarding the possible impact that the new regulations regarding GDPR and CCTV was having on smaller organisations such as Parish Councils and include information regarding where support can be obtained, such as the Council’s CCTV company and the Information Commissioner.


REASON FOR DECISION: To provide information to organisations such as Parish Councils regarding where to receive help and guidance regarding the new regulations on CCTV.


Chief Inspector Julie Wheatley, Hertfordshire Constabulary, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the work, challenges and finances of the Hertfordshire Constabulary in North Herts.


Chief Inspector Wheatley offered apologies for the Chief Constable and the Crime Commissioner, who both had to attend another engagement.


She informed Members that she had been the area commander for North Herts for the last three years and gave a summary of performance and issues as follows:


·                Hertfordshire Constabulary had a good history of making savings since 2010/11;

·                Current reserves were £48 million;

·                Response in terms of local policing maintained;

·                The Chief Constable and Police and Crime Commissioner had made a commitment to the continuation of neighbourhood policing and community support officers;

·                Neighbourhood policing was key to the success of Hertfordshire Constabulary as it was the front line, face to face contact;

·                £10.3 million had been invested in new areas of demand such as safeguarding, domestic abuse, missing persons and cybercrime;

·                Since 2010/11 there had been an 11 percent reduction in Police Officers and a 17 percent reduction in staff;

·                Hertfordshire was now recruiting for more officers and specials. However North Herts did not and never had a problem in retaining staff to work in the area;

·                30 percent of organisational resources were now working collaboratively with Beds, Cambs and Herts, which had generated approximately £12 million of savings per annum for Hertfordshire;

·                Nationally crime was up by 3 percent, in North Herts crime had increased by 17 percent (approximately 789 offences);

·                1/3 of the reported crimes were domestic abuse for which North Herts had a really high outcome rate;

·                There were no significant policing issues in North Herts

·                Relationships between partners, including NHDC were good.


Members asked for clarification that North Herts remained one of the safest places in Hertfordshire.


Chief Inspector Wheatley confirmed that North Herts was and extremely safe place with the second lowest levels of recorded crime in Hertfordshire.


Members asked for information regarding reoffending and conviction rates and queried whether people trafficking was an issue in North Herts.


Chief Inspector Wheatley advised that they worked using integrated reoffender management which involves working with repeat offenders to try to prevent their reoffending, but where repeat offenders commit a crime the Constabulary would always seek to prosecute.


In respect of people trafficking, there had been three significant cases within North Herts.


The Chief Executive advised that there appears to be some significant patterns in Hertfordshire regarding people trafficking and modern day slavery. NHDC needed to be aware that such cases occurred in order to be more alert regarding safeguarding issues.


Members asked how NHDC and Hertfordshire Constabulary worked together and what processes were in place to facilitate close working.


Chief Inspector Wheatley advised that there were several levels of partnership working that involved many different agencies including:


Responsible Authorities Group – Strategic level meetings

Joint Action Group – Tactical/operational group

Individual case working and liaison.


Members asked what actions were being taken to address the 17 percent increase in crime in North Hertfordshire, how the issue of rough sleepers was being handled and whether there had been any increase in the level of hate crime in the area.


Chief Inspector Wheatley informed Members that of the increase in overall crime 335 offences related to violent crime which could range from a minor assault, such a touching to murder and part of this figure related to domestic abuse. The increase was partly due to the increase in recording of crime by the Police and most of this increase was about very low levels of assault.


Research had been undertaken and this increase could not be attributed to the night-time economy in Hitchin or any specific premises.


There had been an increase in shoplifting, however there had also been an increase in the outcome rate.


In respect of homeless people, the Police had worked closely with NHDC around safeguarding and referring people to relevant agencies and this work was continuing.


There had not been an increase in hate crime in the area and the incidents were generally low level. The Police had a hate crime officer who was working to raise awareness in Hitchin town centre and in schools.


A Member commented that the new regulations regarding GDPR and CCTV was having an impact on smaller organisations such as Parish Councils and asked whether there was any information available to guide these orgainsations


It was suggested that the Chief Executive include an item in MIS regarding this issue with information on where support can be obtained, such as the Council’s CCTV Company and the Information Commissioner.


The Chairman asked whether there was anything that Councillors could do to add value or support the work of the Police.


Chief Inspector Wheatley advised that Councillor input was important regarding community engagement and how neighbourhood priorities were set.


It was suggested that Chief Inspector Wheatley forward any requests through the Committee and Member Services Officer and that, if required an informal session with Councillors, prior to a full Council meeting could be arranged.


The Chairman thanked Chief Inspector Wheatley for her presentation.


RESOLVED: That the Chief Executive be requested to include an item in MIS regarding the possible impact that the new regulations regarding GDPR and CCTV was having on smaller organisations such as Parish Councils and include information regarding where support can be obtained, such as the Council’s CCTV company and the Information Commissioner.


REASON FOR DECISION: To provide information to organisations such as Parish Councils regarding where to receive help and guidance regarding the new regulations on CCTV.