Agenda item




To consider the Performance Indicator Monitoring Report for the second quarter of 2017/18.




(1)       That the second quarter 2017/18 Performance Indicators be noted:


(2)       That the Forward Plan be monitored and any policies relating to Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) be referred to this Committee:


(3)       That the Executive Member for Waste, Recycling and Environment be requested to consider introducing a separate Performance Indicator Target regarding the amount of garden waste collected and that this be monitored closely;


(4)       That the Controls, Risk and Performance Manager be requested to include any Performance Indicator Monitoring figure regarding the collection of garden waste on every monitoring report for at least one year;


REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider and comment on the Second Quarter Performance Indictor Monitoring Report.


The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager presented the report entitled Second Quarter Performance Indicator Monitoring Report and drew attention to the following:


Actions from September Meeting

Actions arising from the September meeting were in progress and any information requested at that time would either be included in a future report or circulated to Members.


LI 034 – Percentage of Housing and Public Protection Service Programmed Inspections Completed

The main reason for the programme of inspections being behind schedule was that the Licensing Team had been focussing on the review of and consultation on a number of key policies that require updating over the next 6 months.


The Service Manager remained confident that the inspection target would be met at year end.


Members expressed some concern that inspections of HMOs were not up to date.


The Chief Executive advised that the figures in relation to HMOs were quite small and that the Team were working to meet year end targets.


Members expressed an interest in looking at any policies that may be referred regarding HMOs.


NI 157e – Percentage of all Planning Applications determined within the relevant statutory or agreed time periods

Increased workload and staff turnover had affected performance, particularly over the summer months.


Two full time members of staff were now in post and further recruitment was taking place.


NI 192 – Percentage of Household Waste sent for Reuse, Recycling and Composting

NHDC remained in the top quartile, being ranked 9 out of 52 District Councils.


Members expressed concern that the introduction of a chargeable garden waste collection could reduce the amount sent for composting and the general reduction in the use of paper would likely reduce the recycling ratios. The aim to generally reduce the use of plastic packaging would also affect recycling rates.


The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager advised that these issues would be considered when providing information about national figures. Initial indications were that recycling rates were dropping nationally however, the main aim was to maintain NHDC’s position in the top quartile.


Members considered that performance indicators regarding waste needed to be multi-dimensional, in order to monitor any changes, particularly in regard to garden waste. They asked that the Executive Member for Waste, Recycling and Environment be requested to set a separate target to monitor the level of green waste collected and that figures regarding garden waste be reported to this Committee for at least 12 months.


The Chief Executive advised that it was important to monitor trends over time and aim to anticipate what may improve performance change behaviours regarding recycling.


Performance Setting for 2018/19

Targets would be set in January 2018.




(1)       That the second quarter 2017/18 Performance Indicators be noted:


(2)       That the Forward Plan be monitored and any policies relating to Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) be referred to this Committee:


(3)       That the Executive Member for Waste, Recycling and Environment be requested to consider introducing a separate Performance Indicator Target regarding the amount of garden waste collected and that this be monitored closely;


(4)       That the Controls, Risk and Performance Manager be requested to include any Performance Indicator Monitoring figure regarding the collection of garden waste on every monitoring report for at least one year;


REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider and comment on the Second Quarter Performance Indictor Monitoring Report.

Supporting documents: