Agenda item



The Chair of the Council welcomed everyone to the meeting and drew attention to there being are only 20 Members present.


He advised that, due to the cessation of the Flexible Meeting Arrangements on 7 May 2021, it was now a requirement that the majority of formal meetings convene in person.


Having been unable to find a suitable alternative venue, Group Leaders agreed that the meeting would take place in the Council Chamber which could only hold this number of people whilst social distancing requirements were still in place.


Although minimal officers were present in the room, other officers had joined the meeting remotely, as the requirement to meet in person only applied to Councillors and, where required, members of the public.


There was still the opportunity for those Members not present, public and press to listen and view proceedings on the Council’s YouTube channel as the meeting was being streamed live.


As new systems were being used he asked that Members be guided by officers and be patient as things may take longer than usual.


The Committee, Member and Scrutiny Manager undertook a roll call of officers attending remotely to ensure that they could here and be heard.


She advised that new cameras had been installed which were linked to the microphones and would move to show whoever had their microphone on.


An officer who was in attendance remotely would be shown on the screens around the room and would be visible on the YouTube livestream when they spoke.


If a Member wished to speak they should use the speak button (located on the microphone unit). The microphone would light up green and the Chair would be alerted the request to speak. When the Chair invited a Member to speak their microphone would be made live and would turn red at which point the Member could speak.


The normal procedure rules in respect of debate and times to speak would apply:


No speeches may be made until the mover had moved a proposal and explained the purpose and it had been seconded.


When seconding a motion or amendment, a Member may reserve their speech until later in the debate. 


In accordance with the Constitution no speech should exceed five minutes without the consent of the Chair.


If a Member had a closure motion, personal explanation or point of order, they must indicate this by pressing the speak button on their microphone and raising their hand to alert the Chair.


Voting would be via the Yes/No/Abstain buttons on the microphone unit. Instructions regarding how to use the microphone unit were included on the back of the nameplates. Details of how Members voted would be shown on the screens around the room and the result would be visible on the YouTube stream.


In the event of a tied vote the Chair would have the casting vote.


Members and Officers were required to wear masks when standing or moving around the room or the building. Masks could be removed whilst seated.


Exit and entry to the room and the building would be guided by marshals.


The Chair of the Council, Councillor Terry Tyler started the meeting proper.


Audio Recording – 46 seconds


The Chair of the Council welcomed everyone to the meeting and drew attention to there being are only 20 Members present.


He advised that, due to the cessation of the Flexible Meeting Arrangements on 7 May 2021, it was now a requirement that the majority of formal meetings convene in person.


Having been unable to find a suitable alternative venue, Group Leaders agreed that the meeting would take place in the Council Chamber which could only hold this number of people whilst social distancing requirements were still in place.


Although minimal officers were present in the room, other officers had joined the meeting remotely, as the requirement to meet in person only applied to Councillors and, where required, members of the public.


There was still the opportunity for those Members not present, public and press to listen and view proceedings on the Council’s YouTube channel as the meeting was being streamed live.


As new systems were being used he asked that Members be guided by officers and be patient as things may take longer than usual.


The Committee, Member and Scrutiny Manager undertook a roll call of officers attending remotely to ensure that they could here and be heard.


She advised that new cameras had been installed which were linked to the microphones and would move to show whoever had their microphone on.


An officer who was in attendance remotely would be shown on the screens around the room and would be visible on the YouTube livestream when they spoke.


If a Member wished to speak they should use the speak button (located on the microphone unit). The microphone would light up green and the Chair would be alerted the request to speak. When the Chair invited a Member to speak their microphone would be made live and would turn red at which point the Member could speak.


The normal procedure rules in respect of debate and times to speak would apply:


No speeches may be made until the mover had moved a proposal and explained the purpose and it had been seconded.


When seconding a motion or amendment, a Member may reserve their speech until later in the debate. 


In accordance with the Constitution no speech should exceed five minutes without the consent of the Chair.


If a Member had a closure motion, personal explanation or point of order, they must indicate this by pressing the speak button on their microphone and raising their hand to alert the Chair.


Voting would be via the Yes/No/Abstain buttons on the microphone unit. Instructions regarding how to use the microphone unit were included on the back of the nameplates. Details of how Members voted would be shown on the screens around the room and the result would be visible on the YouTube stream.


In the event of a tied vote the Chair would have the casting vote.


Members and Officers were required to wear masks when standing or moving around the room or the building. Masks could be removed whilst seated.


Exit and entry to the room and the building would be guided by marshals.


The Chair of the Council, Councillor Terry Tyler started the meeting proper.