Agenda item


To receive any verbal reports from Members regarding Ward matters and Outside Organisations, including:


·         Councillor Keith Hoskins and Maydencroft to provide a verbal update on the 5 year plan at The Dell.



N.B Councillor Keith Hoskins who was due to present was unable to attend this meeting.


 A verbal presentation was given by Lewis Reynolds, Maydencroft, and Glyn Doggett on the proposed works to revitalise The Dell and surrounding woodland.


Members asked questions and took part in discussion including points such as:


·                The Committee’s support for the redevelopment of the Dell

·                The financial details of any redevelopment plan

·                Possible sources of funding for redevelopment


The Chair of the Committee undertook to write to Council officers and relevant Executive Members concerning the points raised.



A verbal presentation was given by Lewis Reynolds and Glyn Doggett on the proposed works to revitalise The Dell and surrounding woodland. The presentation included:


·         These plans were developed with the support of Councillor Keith Hoskins, who was unable to attend this meeting, and stemmed from the success of the Hitchin Festival events at The Dell.

·         Reviewed the location of the site, in relation to the other facilities and provisions in the town.

·         The process has involved looking at the issues that need to be dealt with, but also the benefits already existing on the site. While the focus was on The Dell as a theatre space, there was a desire to see this become an open space for wider use by the public.

·         Commented on the history of the site.

·         The site would require enhancement schemes to improve the landscape character, maximise potential for recreation, environmental statement and biodiversity.

·         Plans included a restoration of the stage, informal seating, a new disabled area with suitable ramps and repairs to steps, new entrances to the site and vegetation management to create new sightlines to deter anti-social behaviour.

·         There would need to be discussions around what lighting could be installed for the stage.

·         The following vision statement was prepared to focus plans: ‘The Dell will be a welcoming, diverse and highly cherished woodland open space for the use and enjoyment of all residents and visitors in Hitchin. The Dell and Woodside will become a haven for exploration and discovery. The ecological value of the Site will be sensitively managed to ensure that visitors understand the delicate balance that exists between protecting and enjoying our natural assets. Their fascinating landscape character will stand alongside Hitchin’s spectacular open spaces, where the unique blend of nature, heritage and theatre will elevate the status of The Dell within the hierarchy of recreational facilities that serve the local community.’


Councillor Richard Thake advised that he was family friends with the former site owners, but at this stage it was not a declarable interest. He commented that the plans for development would be beneficial to the site.


The following Members asked questions:


·         Councillor Simon Harwood

·         Councillor Nigel Mason

·         Councillor Clare Billing

·         Councillor Ian Albert


In response to questions, Lewis Reynolds and Glyn Doggett advised:


·         They had been working with Councillor Keith Hoskins to look at possible funding for the plans, from Councils, Town Centre grants, etc.

·         There were two phases of the plans – the first would look at redeveloping The Dell theatre site and the second would look at the surrounding woodland and making it more usable and accessible.

·         Confirmed that plans had not yet been discussed with Council Officers, but there was a hope this would come in later stages.

·         There were some high-level costs which had been considered which could be passed onto Members, but nothing decided or detailed at this stage.

·         There was a hope that by altering the site lines created by the vegetation, this would reduce the anti-social behaviour which had become a norm on the site.

·         The landscape of ‘Phase 2’ was large, but mainly consisted of hilly woodland.

·         There was a hope that by engaging and involving young people in the project, it would further reduce the risk of anti-social behaviour causing damage to the redeveloped site.

·         The site was owned by NHDC, but there were covenants on the use of the site.


Councillor Ian Albert commented that if a future Hitchin Arts Centre was developed, this site would help support this and the future of Arts in Hitchin.


The Chair of the Committee agreed that he would to write to Council officers and relevant Executive Members concerning the points raised.