Agenda item




An update on performance to the end of September 2021.


RESOLVED: That the report entitled ‘Q2 Performance Indicators 2021-22’ be noted.


RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: To consider further messaging and communications, not exclusive to social media, to clarify the process for residents regarding food waste and the missed collection protocol.


REASONS FOR DECISIONS: To update the Committee on the performance indicators as well as other indicators that officers have updated and activated on Pentana Risk.


The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager presented the report entitled ‘Quarter 2 PI Data’ including:


·         This report showed the data for 21 Indicators to the end of September 2021 and there were four green, two amber and three red Indicators. The remaining indicators were for information only and did not have targets.

·         Sales Ledger collection was up on last year and improving month on month, but was still down on target.

·         Payment collections from businesses were still facing issues with fewer court dates available to reclaim owed monies and payment deadlines being pushed back to February or March 2022.

·         North Herts is performing well against other Herts authorities regarding Homeless Prevention and Relief, but down on performance from last year.

·         Visits to leisure centres are continuing to perform well against the recovery plan.

·         Residual Household Waste indicator was red and this was down primarily to food waste in residual bins, but public messaging was going out to target this.

·         Outlined the other Waste Indicators and noted that recycling was improving on last year.


The following Members asked questions:


·         Councillor David Levett

·         Councillor Terry Hone

·         Councillor Claire Strong


The Senior Estates Surveyor advised that the government moratorium on rent had been extended to 25 March 2022, but could be further extended. 


In response to questions the Controls, Risk and Performance Manager advised:


·         Generally sales ledger invoices were low value, therefore a few high value outstanding invoices have a big impact on collection levels.

·         Communications on social media had been made to encourage residents to reduce food waste in residual bins.

·         They were unsure of the breakdown of the 21 households in temporary accommodation and would look to provide Members with details of this following the meeting.


In response to questions the Deputy Executive Member for Recycling and Waste Management advised:


·         Messages addressing food waste had been included in previous Outlook magazines.

·         When food waste collections have had to be suspended, due to staffing shortages and the pandemic, the issue tended to get worse.

·         A previous composition waste analysis had been completed at the beginning of 2022, but it was difficult to monitor and repeat due to the scale of the project.

·         Council messages had been clear on this, but this had been confused by different messages locally.

·         The message had been consistently that food waste could go in the residual waste bin if no other alternative and while this was not ideal it was deemed a necessary short term measure.


Councillor Terry Hone advised that it would not be legal for the Council to tell residents to put food waste in their charged garden waste bin.


Councillor David Levett commented that the advice given relating to this may need a refresh to ensure the best information is being provided.


Councillor Terry Hone requested that Officers and Executive Members seek advice from other authorities regarding their actions on food waste and missed collections to explore other options and ensure best practice is followed. Councillor Carol Stanier advised that she would request the Executive Member raise this with the Hertfordshire Waste Partnership group.


Councillor Claire Strong proposed and Councillor Terry Hone seconded and, following a vote, it was:


RESOLVED: That the report entitled ‘Q2 Performance Indicators 2021-22’ be noted.


RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: To consider further messaging and communications, not exclusive to social media, to clarify the process for residents regarding food waste and the missed collection protocol.


REASONS FOR DECISIONS: To update the Committee on the performance indicators as well as other indicators that officers have updated and activated on Pentana Risk.

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