Agenda item





(1)        That the expected Central Government funding levels be noted;


(2)        That the estimated position on the Collection Fund and how this will be funded be noted;


(3)        That a 2.99% increase in Council Tax for 2018/19 be approved;


(4)        That the position relating to the General Fund reserve be noted and, that due to the risks identified, a minimum balance of £2.15 million is recommended;


(5)        That the reduction in the 2017/18 working budget of £682,000 be approved, and the expected impact in 2018/19 of a £82,000 reduction in budget be noted;


(6)        That the requests for the carry-forward of budgets that total £198,000 from 2017/18 to 2018/19 be noted, subject to further review of the carry forward relating to Area Committee Budgets at the end of the 2017/18 Financial Year;


(7)        That the inclusion of the efficiencies and investment proposals, as set out at Appendix 2 to the report, in the General Fund budget estimates for 2018/19 be approved, subject to the following amendments:


·           Efficiency E9 (Cessation of Area Committee Grants) – amendment to show a 30% reduction in grants available to Area Committee;

·           Efficiency E16 (Apprenticeship Scheme) – to be removed from the list of efficiency savings;

·           Efficiency E20 (Waste Contract Lot 2 Award) – removal from the list for 2018/19 as it was expected that the savings attributable to this item would be zero;


(8)       That the amendments to previously agreed efficiencies, as detailed in Paragraph 8.5.3 and Table 8 of the report, be approved;   


(9)       That the proposal that any revenue savings arising from the capitalisation of waste vehicle costs are transferred to a specific reserve be noted;


(10)      That the savings targets for future years be noted;


(11)      That the estimated 2018/19 net expenditure of £14.6Million, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, as amended, be approved;


(12)      That the Parish and Town Council precepts of £1,095,531 be noted; and


(13)      That total District Council Tax Requirement is £12,071,060 be noted and that this figure be approved for inclusion in the Council Tax Resolution.


REASON FOR DECISION:  To ensure that all relevant factors are taken into consideration when arriving at the proposed Council Tax precept for 2018/19; and to ensure that a balanced budget is agreed.


The Council considered the Minute of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 23 January 2018, in respect of the Draft Revenue Budget 2018/19 (Minute 83 refers).  A copy of the report and addendum report considered by the Cabinet was included with the agenda, as were the following appendices:


Appendix A – Budget Summary 2018/19 - 2021/22;

Appendix B – Revenue Efficiency and Investment proposals; and

Appendix C – Budget Risks for 2018/19.


The Council had been provided with a further addendum report, tabled at the meeting, which detailed the Parish and Town Council precepts for 2018/19 and the total District Council Tax requirement for 2018/19.


Prior to the consideration of the Draft Revenue Budget for 2018/19, the Leader of the Council (Councillor Lynda Needham) and the Executive Member for Finance and IT (Councillor Julian Cunningham) presented a Budget Speech.


These documents are reproduced at Appendices A and B to these Minutes.


It was moved by Councillor Julian Cunningham, and seconded by Councillor Lynda Needham, that the recommendations contained in the Cabinet referral and the addendum report tabled at the meeting be approved.


The Finance Spokesperson of the Labour Group (Councillor Ian Albert) and representative of the Liberal Democrat Group (Councillor Steve Jarvis) gave responses to the speeches made by the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Executive Member for Finance and IT.


As an amendment, it was moved by Councillor Martin Stears-Handscomb, and seconded by Councillor Clare Billing, that the following new Recommendation (6) be added, with renumbering accordingly:


“(6)      That Council regrets that the financial decisions on the scope and funding arrangements of the Waste and Recycling contract, which have such a major impact on this budget, were not decided by full council. It agrees to make such changes as necessary to its constitution and delegation arrangements to ensure that all such decisions are taken by full council in future.”


Following a point of order raised as to acceptability of this amendment, the Deputy Monitoring Officer referred to Paragraph 4.8.14 of the Council’s Constitution stated that amendments to motions should be relevant to the motion itself.  Given that the above amendment sought to deal with future Council decisions, he was of the view that it was not relevant to the motion, but was in fact a new motion rather than an amendment.  He added that, in any event, major changes to the delivery of Council services would usually be made by way of a “Key Decision”, and legally such decisions were required to be taken by the Council’s Cabinet.  Therefore, the proposed amendment, if approved, would amount to a change in the Constitution which would be unlawful.  For the above reasons, he concluded that the proposed amendment would not be permissible.


As a further amendment, it was moved by Councillor Ian Albert, and seconded by Councillor Martin Stears-Handscomb, that the following new Recommendation (6) onwards be added, with renumbering accordingly:


“(6)      That the proposals to remove play equipment from nine town play areas be put on hold at an additional cost of £19,800 in 2018/19 to allow for the further consideration within each town of future funding for all play areas.


(7)       That the Councillors’ basic and special allowances be reduced by 3% instead of being increased by 2% at a saving of £16,880 and be raised in future years by no more than the percentage rise afforded to Council staff.


(8)       That the budget for the Civic reception be reduced to £3,400 at a saving of £2,920 and Councillors who attend be asked to make a contribution.”


Following debate, and upon being put to the vote, the amendment was lost.


As a further amendment, it was moved by Councillor Judi Billing, and seconded by Councillor Deepak Sangha, that, in the first bullet point of Recommendation (7), the replacement of all after “Area Committee Grants” with “be removed from the list of efficiency savings and an adjustment of £22,000 be made to the budget and balance figures”.


Following debate, and upon being put to the vote, the amendment was lost.


As a further amendment, it was moved by Councillor Frank Radcliffe, and seconded by Councillor Ian Mantle, that a new item be added after Recommendation (7), with renumbering accordingly:


“(8)      That a figure of £100,000 additional income be introduced in the budget and that a cross party Member/Officer Group be established to drive forward the income generation agenda and ensure that at least this amount is raised in the coming year.”


Following debate, and upon being put to the vote, the amendment was lost.


As a further amendment, it was moved by Councillor Steve Jarvis and seconded by Councillor Paul Clark, that the following be added to Recommendation (7):


“Deletion of E21 (Garden Waste Charging) from the list of efficiency savings and the cancellation of the charge.”


Following debate, and upon being put to the vote, the amendment was lost.


Following debate, and in accordance with Standing Order 4.8.16(h), Councillor Julian Cunningham requested that a Recorded Vote be undertaken on the substantive motion.




For: Councillors David Barnard, John Booth, Julian Cunningham, Steve Deakin-Davies, Sarah Dingley, Jean Green, Steve Hemingway, Fiona Hill, Terry Hone, Tony Hunter, David Levett, Ben Lewis, Bernard Lovewell, Paul Marment, Alan Millard, Gerald Morris, Michael Muir, Lynda Needham, Mike Rice, Ray Shakespeare-Smith, R.A.C. Thake, Michael Weeks - 22


Against: Councillors Ian Albert, Clare Billing, Judi Billing, Paul Clark, Steve. Jarvis, Lorna Kercher, Ian Mantle, Frank Radcliffe, Deepak Sangha, Adrian Smith, Martin Stears-Handscomb, Terry Tyler - 12


Abstentions:  0


The motion was carried.)


It was therefore,




(1)        That the expected Central Government funding levels be noted;


(2)        That the estimated position on the Collection Fund and how this will be funded be noted;


(3)        That a 2.99% increase in Council Tax for 2018/19 be approved;


(4)        That the position relating to the General Fund reserve be noted and, that due to the risks identified, a minimum balance of £2.15 million is recommended;


(5)        That the reduction in the 2017/18 working budget of £682,000 be approved, and the expected impact in 2018/19 of a £82,000 reduction in budget be noted;


(6)        That the requests for the carry-forward of budgets that total £198,000 from 2017/18 to 2018/19 be noted, subject to further review of the carry forward relating to Area Committee Budgets at the end of the 2017/18 Financial Year;


(7)        That the inclusion of the efficiencies and investment proposals, as set out at Appendix 2 to the report, in the General Fund budget estimates for 2018/19 be approved, subject to the following amendments:


·           Efficiency E9 (Cessation of Area Committee Grants) – amendment to show a 30% reduction in grants available to Area Committee;

·           Efficiency E16 (Apprenticeship Scheme) – to be removed from the list of efficiency savings;

·           Efficiency E20 (Waste Contract Lot 2 Award) – removal from the list for 2018/19 as it was expected that the savings attributable to this item would be zero;


(8)       That the amendments to previously agreed efficiencies, as detailed in Paragraph 8.5.3 and Table 8 of the report, be approved;   


(9)       That the proposal that any revenue savings arising from the capitalisation of waste vehicle costs are transferred to a specific reserve be noted;


(10)      That the savings targets for future years be noted;


(11)      That the estimated 2018/19 net expenditure of £14.6Million, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, as amended, be approved;


(12)      That the Parish and Town Council precepts of £1,095,531 be noted; and


(13)      That total District Council Tax Requirement is £12,071,060 be noted and that this figure be approved for inclusion in the Council Tax Resolution.


REASON FOR DECISION:  To ensure that all relevant factors are taken into consideration when arriving at the proposed Council Tax precept for 2018/19; and to ensure that a balanced budget is agreed.

Supporting documents: