To receive a verbal presentation from the Chief Executive of the Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation.
Graham Fisher, CEO of the Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation, gave a verbal update to Members
Audio recording – 10 minutes 44 seconds
Graham Fisher, CEO of the Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation, gave a verbal update to Members, including:
· The Foundation had begun to see the beginnings of recovery from the Covid environment, which had a huge impact on income.
· Property rental income had been down 20%, but this was now returning to normal levels and 95% of invoiced income had been returned, which is helping to improve resilience of the Foundation.
· However, there were still significant historic debts outstanding, overwhelmingly this was commercial rent arrears. As the regulations change on 25 March 2022 this will create pressure and these outstanding debts are collected.
· The Governance review had been completed and changes have been implemented. This has seen the introduction of 4 appointed trustees, who have joined from various backgrounds, filling some of the gaps in experience on the board.
· Alongside Officers at NHDC, the consultation on Letchworth Cultural Strategy had begun. This was to look at a cultural strategy within the town centre and would rely on working collaboratively with partners across the town.
· For many other places, town centre regeneration plans are centred around culture and this is being invested in heavily as part of Letchworth’s regeneration plans.
· There had been £150k invested in gallery and museum services in the town, but due to the impact of Covid further funds were required and fundraising was taking place to achieve this, with a further £150k being raised last year.
· A multi-agency Town Centre Strategy Group had been set up and was gathering input from businesses. A survey of businesses had been set up and it was hoped the group would meet in April 2022.
· Housing plans were still awaiting the Local Plan, but work was continuing on the LG3 area, around Kristiansand Way, and the vision for LG1 area was being explored, with work progressing well on both of these.
· One area ring-fenced throughout the pandemic was the annual £600k grant funding. However, last year the budget was underspent by a third, representing £200k, and £54k of this was allocated to organisations who did not have the capacity to take the funds.
· This represented the wider issues and challengers facing the demand and capacity within the charity sector.
· The grant funding was really important to the charitable status of the Foundation and they would start looking at how further collaboration with partners to ensure funds are going to appropriate places.
· There was a Street Party Grant Fund due to be announced shortly, which would offer up to £700 to host a street party event for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
The following Members asked questions:
· Councillor Daniel Allen
In response to questions Mr Fisher advised:
· There was a dual process with regards to funding. There was a Commissioning Group, where larger funding is given through partner organisations, such as Citizens Advice and Barnardo’s.
· There is also an open access grant funds, which were themed, and applications were required for these funds.
· There would be a strategic review of the grant funding this year and this would explore whether money could be devolved to neighbourhoods, where there is little existing engagement, or through third party social action partners.
The Chair thanked Mr Fisher for his update.