Agenda item





1)    That the list of representatives on Outside Organisations and Other Bodies for 2022/23 as set out in Appendix A to the report be approved, with confirmation that:


a)    The Council’s representative to the Baldock Community Forum Community Interest Company be Councillor Alistair Willoughby;

b)    The Council’s representatives to the Baldock Youth and Community Association be Councillors Juan Cowell, Michael Weeks and Alistair Willoughby;

c)    The Council’s representative to the Hertfordshire Health Scrutiny Committee be Councillor Val Bryant;

d)    That the Council’s representatives to the Letchworth Civic Trust be Councillors Daniel Allen and Phil Weeder;

e)    The Council’s representative to the Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation be Councillor Ian Mantle;

f)     The Council’s representative to Letchworth Sustainability Forum be Councillor Amy Allen;

g)    The Council’s representative to the London Luton Airport Consultative Committee be Councillor Sam Collins;

h)    The Council’s representative to the Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London (PATROL) Adjudication Joint Committee be Councillor Ruth Brown;

i)      And that the Council’s representatives to the Royston Community Association be Councillors Adam Compton, Carol Stanier, and Chris Hinchliff.


2)    That the decision on appointing the Council’s representative to the King George V Playing Fields User Group be deferred after a review of the terms of reference of that organisation;


3)    That Political Group Leaders notify the Democratic Services Manager of nominations to the remaining vacancies or any changes to the existing representatives on outside organisations.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: To comply with the provisions of Standing Order 4.8.1(b)(iv) and (v) of the Council’s Constitution.


Audio Recording – 54:46


The Leader of the Council presented the report in respect of Nomination of Representatives on Outside Organisations or Other Bodies for 2022/23 along with Appendix A.


Councillor Ruth Brown proposed an amendment to Appendix A to the effect of removing the nomination of Councillor Phil Weeder to the Letchworth Civic Trust and the Letchworth Sustainability Forum, and substituting the nomination of Councillor Sam Collins for Councillor Ruth Brown to the Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London (PATROL) Adjudication Joint Committee. This amendment was accepted.


Councillor Claire Strong advised on an error in the Appendix where Councillor Jean Green was incorrectly labelled as a Liberal Democrat.


Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg proposed that the uncontested nominations as in Appendix A be approved.  Councillor Ruth Brown seconded and on the vote that motion was carried.


Votes were subsequently conducted on each contested nomination as highlighted in Appendix A of the report, with results recorded as per that listed in the ‘Resolved’ below. 


There were additional comments and debate on the following bodies:


Regarding the King George V Playing Fields User Group

There were 4 nominations proposed for the 3 seats on this Group.  In response to the request that all 4 be appointed the decision on appointments was deferred to allow an investigation of the Terms of Reference to determine whether the number of positions available could be expanded.


Regarding the Letchworth Civic Trust

Councillor Morgan Derbyshire advised that there were two positions available contrary to Appendix A which stated there was only one.


As one of those nominated had been withdrawn it was explained that there was no requirement to vote on this body.


The following Members took part in debate:


·         Councillor Ruth Brown

·         Councillor Daniel Allen

·         Councillor Sam Collins

·         Councillor Adam Compton

·         Councillor Ian Albert

·         Councillor Alistair Willoughby

·         Councillor Michael Muir

·         Councillor Simon Bloxham

·         Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg

·         Councillor David Levett


The Monitoring Officer provided advice regarding the decision that had already been taken – thereby treating the Letchworth Civic Trust as an uncontested appointment following the withdrawal of Councillor Phil Weeder.


In response it was stated that the withdrawal had been made based on the inaccurate advice provided, and if the two positions available had been properly notified, the withdrawal of Cllr Weeder would not have been made.


Having listed to the advice of the Monitoring Officer and the debate by Members, the Chair of Council called for a vote to determine whether the decision to treat the Letchworth Civic trust as an uncontested appointment was correct or incorrect.


Councillor David Levett raised a point of order regarding the 6 month rule – where a decision made at a meeting of Council within the past six months cannot be revisited.


The Monitoring Officer gave advice to the effect that the proposal put forward by the Chair of Council was different the one previously voted on and as such the 6-month rule did not apply.


On the vote it was resolved that Letchworth Civic Trust be considered as having two appointments to be made and that the original nomination of Councillor Phil Weeder should stand.


Regarding the Royston Community Association

Councillor Gerald Morris withdrew his nomination.


Following all votes and debate it was:




1)    That the list of representatives on Outside Organisations and Other Bodies for 2022/23 as set out in Appendix A to the report be approved, with confirmation that:


a)    The Council’s representative to the Baldock Community Forum Community Interest Company be Councillor Alistair Willoughby;

b)    The Council’s representatives to the Baldock Youth and Community Association be Councillors Juan Cowell, Michael Weeks and Alistair Willoughby;

c)    The Council’s representative to the Hertfordshire Health Scrutiny Committee be Councillor Val Bryant;

d)    That the Council’s representatives to the Letchworth Civic Trust be Councillors Daniel Allen and Phil Weeder;

e)    The Council’s representative to the Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation be Councillor Ian Mantle;

f)     The Council’s representative to Letchworth Sustainability Forum be Councillor Amy Allen;

g)    The Council’s representative to the London Luton Airport Consultative Committee be Councillor Sam Collins;

h)    The Council’s representative to the Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London (PATROL) Adjudication Joint Committee be Councillor Ruth Brown;

i)      And that the Council’s representatives to the Royston Community Association be Councillors Adam Compton, Carol Stanier, and Chris Hinchliff.


2)    That the decision on appointing the Council’s representative to the King George V Playing Fields User Group be deferred to allow a  a review of the terms of reference of that organisation to determine whether the number of positions available could be expanded;


3)    That Political Group Leaders notify the Democratic Services Manager of nominations to the remaining vacancies or any changes to the existing representatives on outside organisations.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: To comply with the provisions of Standing Order 4.8.1(b)(iv) and (v) of the Council’s Constitution.


Supporting documents: