Agenda item


To receive a presentation from Inspector Richard Lilley, Hertfordshire Constabulary.


Inspector Richard Lilley and Sergeant Steve Oliphant thanked the Chairman for the invitation to address the Committee regarding the work of Hertfordshire Constabulary in the Southern Rural area.


The Chairman thanked Inspector Lilley and Sergeant Oliphant for their presentation.


Inspector Richard Lilley and Sergeant Steve Oliphant thanked the Chairman for the invitation to address the Committee.


Sergeant Oliphant advised that the statistics and other information covered the whole of the Southern Rural area including Great Ashby.


All Crime

·                1,063 reports of crime, an increase of 22.9 percent (198 reports).


Residential Burglary

·                99 reports


Criminal Damage

·                159 reports, an increase of 19.5 percent (26 reports).

·                This figure included damage to farmer’s land, game keepers property, crops and gates.


Anti-Social Behaviour

·                372 reports, an increase of 6 percent (22 reports).

·                This figure included nuisance driving, noise and littering.


Environmental Crime

·                16 reports.

·                The Police worked closely with NHDC regarding environmental crime.

·                Some reports were made directly to NHDC.

·                NHDC had achieved some excellent prosecution results regarding fly tipping.

·                The Police had undertaken joint patrols with NHDC looking at waste carriers.



Burglary Dwelling

Two particular villages had been targeted, however they had, in response, increased the Safer Streets campaign and a number of investigations were now with Hatfield Station.


The Safer Streets Campaign was where Police Offices go to into the community to undertake crime prevention work, get people to sign up to the online watch link system (OWL)


The crime prevention work included offering surveys of people’s property and the OWL system enabled officers to get fast time information out to people.


A number of investigations now sat with the specialist investigation team based in Hatfield.


Damage to Farmland

Crop damage and criminal damage had been a problem for the last three years and it had been a challenge to meet the demand in this area.


This has been another year of this area being targeted by people from outside North Herts, which had been a challenge to tackle.


They had met with landowners and game keepers to discuss how to tackle this problem and this work would be ongoing.


Members commented that the Committee had previously made a grant to purchase a quad bike and queried how this was being used.


Sergeant Oliphant advised that the quad bike was used when resources allowed, which had not been that often in the last 12 months.


The quad bike was fantastic for ensuring that there was Police visibility but was not suitable for catching offenders who were often in 4-wheel drive vehicles, as it put offices at risk of being harmed.


It was more commonly used for patrols and visits to game keeper.


Inspector Lilley advised that the quad bike was a good asset which was particularly well used when searching for missing people.


More officers had been trained to use the quad bike, but it was important to choose the right time to use it.


Members commented on the spate of graffiti in Hitchin and that there had been a small amount in the villages and queried what action was being taken.


Sergeant Oliphant advised that two people had been arrested and two further people were being monitored in connection with the Zen graffiti tag seen in Hitchin.


Members noted that the Police had held a meeting for famers and land owners last year and queried whether there would be another meeting like this.


Sergeant Oliphant advised that the meeting last year had been in response to specific occurrences.


This year they had visited individual landowners, game keepers and farmers in order to understand what had happened and ask their advice. They were also working with their colleagues in Bedfordshire who were experiencing similar issues.


If landowners, farmers and gamekeepers feel that another group meeting should be held, it would be organised.


Members commented that there had been an incident of a famers being rammed and queried what action was taken and whether local people could be keep informed.


Sergeant Oliphant advised that the matter had been fully investigates and following a joint decision with the victim, it was decided not to proceed to court.


The Police would investigate all incidents, but it was reliant on a partnership between them, residents and landowners.


Members asked for information regarding staffing challenges.


Inspector Lilley advised that the Safer Neighbourhood Team had reached full establishment over the last 4 months and, although there was likely to be some staff movements soon, a recruitment phase for PCs and PCSOs had started.


Members commented that they would not wish to see too many staff movement as the current establishment were known in their local area and had the trust of local people.


The Chairman thanked Inspector Lilley and Sergeant Oliphant for their presentation.