Agenda item


To receive a verbal update on the work of the Commercial Team.


Councillor Keith Hoskins, Executive Member for Enterprise and Arts, gave a verbal update on the Commercial Team for Members.


Audio recording – 22 minutes 50 seconds


Councillor Keith Hoskins, Executive Member for Enterprise and Arts, gave a verbal update on the Commercial Team for Members, including:


·         An operational review of the Commercial Team was being presented to Political Liaison Board in light of changes to central government legislation and how Councils are now allowed to invest.

·         Public Works Loan Board finance is no longer available primarily for financial gain but can be for service related or regeneration projects.

·         The Lottery had now launched and was performing above expectations and it was hoped that the set-up costs would be covered in Year 1.

·         Work on Churchgate continues to move along and remains Council policy to try and purchase the leasehold.

·         Financial analysis is underway looking at the viability of development of Bury Mead for storage facilities for the North Herts Museum.

·         Work on Harkness Court is progressing well, and first inhabitants are expected from September 2022 following the completion of the final minor works.

·         A feasibility study is underway at Wilbury Hills to explore a renewable energy project on this site. This had previously been explored and was deemed non-viable, but with changes in technology this is now being explored again.

·         Land disposals were planned for areas in Barkway, Preston and Baldock.

·         The Estates Team are in advanced negotiations with three of North Herts Council’s major investment tenants to renegotiate their terms.

·         Three respondents had expressed an interest in working with the Council to redevelop Charnwood House, Hitchin and two further groups suggested they would be interested in using the space once developed. The building was now fully empty and asbestos appraisals were due for the next month.

·         The Royston Town Hall annexe was set to be remarketed and liaison was ongoing with the Royston Town Council Clerk.


The following Members asked questions:


·         Councillor David Levett

·         Councillor Claire Strong

·         Councillor Tony Hunter


In response to questions, the Executive Member for Enterprise and Arts advised:


·         The Wilbury Hill Energy Project referred to the fields next to the cemetery, which was earmarked for future expansion, but could be used for other means in the time being. 

·         There was an operational review of the Commercial department ongoing and would be presented to Political Liaison Board this week and, if adopted, there would be additional items brought to Overview and Scrutiny.

·         He, alongside Officers, would look at producing a more in-depth report for future meetings. They would need to look at what work is already being done and would need to identify a way to present an all-encompassing look at commercial returns.


Councillor Strong noted that this Commercial Update was requested at the last Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting and, whilst the verbal update was appreciated, a more details written update would be required to look at commercial projects in line with proposals. She noted that it was requested that the Commercial Update be added to all future meeting agendas.


Councillor Levett agreed and advised that this was a last minute addition to this agenda, as it had been omitted initially. He requested that a full Commercial Update be provided to all future Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings.