Agenda item



Internal and external alterations to facilitate Change of Use from Hotel (C1) to Sui Generis (accommodation with support) (as amended by plans and additional information received on 6 May 2022).


RESOLVED: That application 22/00171/LBC be GRANTED planning permission subject to the reasons set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager and the following additional condition:


“Condition 5


Document entitled ‘Gate installations works’ dated 1 December 2021 by Firelec Securelec states that the single leaf swing gate will have manual operation (including a manual key lock into the catchment post) whilst at 4.3 and 6.8 of the submitted Design, Access and Planning Statement January 2022 it states that the gate will be controlled ‘electronically’. For the avoidance of doubt, full details of method of operating this gate together with a 1:20 scale elevation indicating the design of the gate and method of installation including whether the gate is to be mechanically fixed directly to the building or to posts that are themselves fixed to the building or to free-standing posts, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the installation and commissioning of the gate. If fixed directly to the listed building, further larger scale plans confirming the mechanical fixing detail shall also be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the installation and commissioning of the gate. Once approved the gate shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details and thereafter retained and maintained for the lifespan of the current use of the building to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that special regard is paid to protecting the special architectural and historic interest and integrity of this grade II listed building under Section 16(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.”



Audio recording – 108 minutes 23 seconds


The Conservation Officer advised Members of the following updates:


·         HCC Archaeological representatives have removed the requirement for a written scheme of investigation, on the basis there is little to no archaeological implication of this scheme.

·         The Lavata Group had provided a report which clarified certain points.

·         As confirmed, the report should refer to 21 bedrooms on site, not 24.


The Conservation Officer presented the report in respect of application 22/00171/LBC supported by a visual presentation consisting of photographs and plans.


N.B. Councillor David Levett left the meeting at 21.35.


In response to a question from Councillor Amy Allen, the Conservation Officer confirmed that the installation of the gates would be set back to the rear of the carriage entrance.


The Chair invited Mr Scot Moir to speak against the application.


Mr Moir thanked the Chair for the opportunity to address the Committee and advised of the following:


·         It was not possible for Members to make this decision when no information had been provided on how the gate would look or be installed. It would have to be attached to the building itself with metal.

·         If the gates cannot be affixed, then the Secure by Design measures cannot be adhered to.

·         Secondary glazing is only to be installed on 22 windows, with 9 windows in the main building and 4 in the annexe remaining without secondary glazing, therefore noise from these rooms will not be limited.

·         Ventilation should be considered and the only option for this it to open windows, which leads to noise for neighbouring properties. This will only be made worse with the installation of kitchenettes.

·         Environmental Health consultee recommends refusal as no noise assessment has been carried out in accordance with guidance.

·         The following conditions should be considered; if Keystage cease providing temporary accommodation the building should return to its last use as a hotel, Keystage to provide a definition of what constitutes 24/7 support, all Secure by Design measures to be installed and operational within 3 months, and Keystage to make good damage done to the exterior of the building.


In response to a point of clarification from Councillor Daniel Allen, Mr Moir advised that Environmental Health had recommended that the building not be occupied until a noise assessment could be carried out. The Conservation and Development Manager confirmed that they had originally made this recommendation, but that it had been withdrawn, with details of this provided in the appendix.  


The Chair thanked Mr Moir for his contribution.


The Chair invited Councillor Sam Collins to speak against the application as Member Advocate.


Councillor Collins thanked the Chair for the opportunity to speak and advised the Committee of the following:


·         He was surprised to see the objections from Herts Archaeology had been withdrawn, without detailed investigation.

·         The installation of the gate would not be possible without disturbing what is underneath.

·         If permission was granted, it would be for a building, the Manager’s flat, that does not exist as detailed in the report.

·         Questions remained about the retention of the name Lord Lister.

·         The proposed installation of kitchenettes in the rooms is not detailed in this application. The installation of these would not be “light-touch”.

·         Due to the inclusion of the flat in the report means that the information in the report is inaccurate and therefore cannot be approved.


In response to points raised, the Conservation Officer advised that reference to the flat that does not exist had been previously addressed. This was made in the statement in January 2022, but was inaccurate at the time and had been clarified for Members since.


The Chair thanked Councillor Collins for his contribution.


The Chair invited Mr James O’Grady to speak in support of the application.


Mr O’Grady thanked the Chair for the opportunity to speak and advised the Committee of the following:


·         The Conservation Officer had determined that the works would not damage the listed building.

·         There was evidence that historically there was a gate on the Lord Lister archway, as demonstrated by hooks and awnings still in place.

·         The gate will be set back 4.8m from the entrance and can be installed independently of buildings either side.

·         The Half Moon pub has a gated entrance set back from the road, which was not original element of the building.

·         The dwelling next door was granted Listed Building Consent in 2012 to facilitate works to convert from office to residential, which would have required far more disturbance than proposed at Lord Lister.

·         The installation of shutters is acceptable.

·         One CCTV camera was in place at the front of the building when it was a hotel and this will be added to.

·         Windows on the ground floor will have blinds, with security film applied inside to the secondary glazing.

·         No objection from Herts County Council, other than to request an internal photographic record prior to any changes.


The Chair clarified for Members the updates provided at the Planning Control Meeting on 23 June 2022 regarding the correction of the number of bedrooms and the removal of reference to the Manager’s flat.


In response to points raised, the Conservation Officer advised:


·         If the gate was installed with free-standing posts, then it would remove it from the Listed Building Consent application and would become a planning matter. If attached to the listed building, it would require Listed Building Consent.

·         An additional condition could be added to require detail of the construction and installation of the gate.

·         The kitchenettes are not referred to as they are not part of this application. If this was intended at a later stage then further Listed Building Consent would be required if the kitchenettes are deemed to affect the listed building’s special character.

·         The name itself is not part of the special character of the listed building and there were numerous examples of listed buildings changing their name, such as The Cock PH to Cinnabar, Hitchin.


Councillor Michael Muir thanked the Officer for the detailed report and updates provided at the meeting.


Councillor Michael Muir proposed to grant the planning permission. Councillor Daniel Allen advised he would second the proposal if Councillor Muir would include a condition regarding the installation of the gate. Councillor Muir agreed to this additional condition.


Councillor Michael Muir proposed and Councillor Daniel Allen seconded and, following a vote, it was: 


RESOLVED: That application 22/00171/LBC be GRANTED planning permission subject to the reasons set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager and the following additional condition:


“Condition 5


Document entitled ‘Gate installations works’ dated 1 December 2021 by Firelec Securelec states that the single leaf swing gate will have manual operation (including a manual key lock into the catchment post) whilst at 4.3 and 6.8 of the submitted Design, Access and Planning Statement January 2022 it states that the gate will be controlled ‘electronically’. For the avoidance of doubt, full details of method of operating this gate together with a 1:20 scale elevation indicating the design of the gate and method of installation including whether the gate is to be mechanically fixed directly to the building or to posts that are themselves fixed to the building or to free-standing posts, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the installation and commissioning of the gate. If fixed directly to the listed building, further larger scale plans confirming the mechanical fixing detail shall also be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the installation and commissioning of the gate. Once approved the gate shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details and thereafter retained and maintained for the lifespan of the current use of the building to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that special regard is paid to protecting the special architectural and historic interest and integrity of this grade II listed building under Section 16(1) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.”


N.B. Following the conclusion of this item, the Chair allowed a short comfort break and the meeting restarted at 22.08.

Supporting documents: