Agenda item




To advise the Members on the current expenditure and balances of the Committee Grant budgets.


To bring to Members’ attention recent requests received for Committee grant funding, made by community groups and local organisations, including:


·        NCT North Herts

·        The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living


To advise of the activities and schemes with which the Community Engagement officers have been involved in.


To bring to the Members’ attention some important community-based activities that will take place during the next few months


RESOLVED: That the Committee be recommended to endorse actions taken by the Community Engagement team to promote greater community capacity and well-being for Hitchin.




(1)  To ensure the Members are kept informed of the work of the Community Engagement Team


(2)  This report intended to inform Members of the financial resources available. It draws attention to the current budgetary situation by assisting in the effective financial management of the budgets. This ensures that all actions are performed in line with the Authority’s Financial Regulations, the Council’s Constitution, and the guidance of the existing Grants policy as agreed by Cabinet in January 2020.


(3)  The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims of the Council Plan.



Danny Pearson, Community Engagement Officer, presented the report gave a verbal presentation, which included:


·         We have been processing grants to utilise the Health Protection board funding to assist communities recovering after the pandemic.

·         The PoetsIn grant from last meeting received over £15,022 from the Health Protection Board Fund and will be rolling out their programme for young and old

·         We have been running surgeries in North Herts and we will be in Churchgate if it is raining but in the town square if it is sunny.

·         We have various network groups going on. Youth action, food provision and the westmill group as well. We are partneted with the North Herts Strategy Partnership group now which is helpful. We have been engaging with youth and the groups that work with them, the arts and culture group was also very good.

·         We gave a presentation for North Herts CVS that had their AGM at the town hall. Before that it was a Ukranian refugee webinar which was well attended and available to watch on YouTube. We gave information on the work North Herts is doing for all refugees, and Hitchin is leading the way

·         Next year it wil be 50 years since Bob Marley played at the town hall. We want to put on a concert with a tribute act. At the very least we want to do a temporary plaque to mark the occasion.

·         We are continuing to share information through a mailing list and we are in touch with the community on social media

·         There has been a spike in anti-social behaviour in Letchworth and Hitchin. Some of the Councillors are working closely with the police and we are working closely with the market team and BID team on this

·         Local Democracy week is spanned over many weeks before and after the October half term. It was a slow uptake but now we have loads and Hitchin and Letchworth schools have been very receptive. We want to continue doing this throughout the year

·         We are gathering speakers for a community cabinet panel. We are doing this one on the cost of living.

·         The BID were unable to show the Queens funeral and North Herts Council couldn’t hire the screen. We contacted many places in Hitchin and venues stepped in to show it for those who were vulnerable etc

·         The snowman trail, which was in London and Birmingham, has been funded but they needed our local knowledge. We have picked out 12 locations and selected a school to have a workshop. We have also suggested a charity and local artist. The museum and library will also do workshops. The Hitchin band will do a live theatrical show.

·         There is an update of home is where the heart is. The exhibition was a massive success and has extended its run. A lot of people opened up and talked about issues within the community. We will have the same exhibition at Holy Saviour Church in November.


Councillor Judi Billing commented that she was glad the exhibition is extending. In addition to the school visits Councillor Tom Plater introduced a theatre company that wanted to do some workshops on democracy. They will be doing on in Holwell school and Whitehill school.


Councillor Ian Albert informed Members there was a meeting tomorrow about the Willow tree. The Council will be funding a replacement tree. There is a question about whether it should be a memorial for the Queen or something more formal at the tree planting but this will be discussed with the Church tomorrow. He also mentioned the oil in the river and that the environmental agency is involved.


Following a vote, it was:


RESOLVED: That the Committee be recommended to endorse actions taken by the Community Engagement team to promote greater community capacity and well-being for Hitchin.




(1)  To ensure the Members are kept informed of the work of the Community Engagement Team


(2)  This report intended to inform Members of the financial resources available. It draws attention to the current budgetary situation by assisting in the effective financial management of the budgets. This ensures that all actions are performed in line with the Authority’s Financial Regulations, the Council’s Constitution, and the guidance of the existing Grants policy as agreed by Cabinet in January 2020.


(3)  The awarding of financial assistance to voluntary organisations and the use of discretionary spending allows the Committee to further the aims of the Council Plan.


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