Agenda item




To consider a Part 1 report on options for the establishment of a Housing Investment Company.


[Note: this item was considered after Minute 8.]


[Prior to the consideration of this item and Minute 8 below, Councillor David Levett made a Declarable Interest in that he was a director of a property letting company which was currently dormant, but that he had applied to Companies House to wind up this company.]




(1)     That it be agreed that no further work be undertaken to investigate buy to let investment options; and


(2)     That further work be undertaken to investigate potential conversion/development opportunities, subject to future consideration of the business plan for specific proposals.


RECOMMENDED TO CABINET:  That the principle of setting up a wholly owned holding company and trading companies for the purposes of development; and letting existing and future assets as residential dwellings be approved, and the Chief Finance Officer and Executive Member for Finance and IT be given delegated authority to determine the detail of the structure.


REASON FOR DECISION:  To explore the options for making best use of existing assets.


[Note: this item was considered after Minute 8.]


[Prior to the consideration of this item and Minute 8 below, Councillor David Levett made a Declarable Interest in that he was a director of a property letting company which was currently dormant, but that he had applied to Companies House to wind up this company.]


The Deputy Chief Executive presented a Part 1 report setting out the investigations that had been undertaken with regard to the potential options for investing in residential property on a buy to let or development basis.  The following appendix was submitted with the report:


Appendix A – Proposed Scheme of Delegation.


The Deputy Chief Executive advised that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had requested to see this report and accompanying Part 2 report at its meeting to be held on 20 March 2018, and so the views of that Committee may be referred to Cabinet for consideration at its meeting to be held on 27 March 2018.


The Deputy Chief Executive stated that the Sub-Committee had considered the Outline Business Case (OBC) for a Housing Investment Company appended to the Part 2 report (See Minute 8 below).  In summary, the OBC  showed that the return on investment would be marginal and less than other potential ways in which the Council could invest its capital. There are a number of reasons for this, including:


·           The cost of property in North Hertfordshire;

·           A mature rental market;

·           The cost of buying in the necessary expertise; and

·           Small size of the likely property portfolio meaning costs were not spread/diluted.


The Sub-Committee noted that the findings of the Outline Business Case suggested that the Council should cease work on buying existing residential property on the open market for private rental and should instead focus on other housing options which could provide greater returns.  Additionally, the model of buying existing residential properties would not provide the community benefits of bringing new housing stock into circulation, whereas conversion/development options could provide new housing for the area.


The Sub-Committee therefore supported the proposed recommendation that no further work be undertaken to investigate buy to let investment options.


The Deputy Chief Executive referred to the £3Million allocation in the Capital Programme for Housing Investment.  Although purchasing existing residential properties for renting did not provide sufficient return to be an attractive investment option, the Council currently owned property which could potentially be rented out as residential lettings to generate income. The Council owned the bungalow adjacent to Town Lodge in Gernon Road, which was vacant and could be rented out in order to generate an income, thereby ensuring the Council was obtaining value from its asset.  Alternatively, the site could be redeveloped as part of any proposals for the wider Gernon Road site.  The Council also owned the current Careline offices in Harkness Court, Hitchin which would be vacated later this year when Careline relocated to the District Council Offices.  Options had been explored for the conversion of the building to residential flats for letting on the private rental market.


In addition to letting existing assets, the Deputy Chief Executive explained that the Council could explore options for developing its land holdings, where appropriate, either on its own or in partnership with others. These would need to be considered on a site by site basis and would be subject to individual business cases in due course.  Any housing developed could be retained for letting through the trading company, or sold to generate a capital receipt, or a mixture of both.


The Deputy Chief Executive advised that, where it carried out an activity that was primarily for a commercial purpose, the Council was required to do this through a trading company.  In order to facilitate any future letting opportunities it was proposed that the Council established the relevant company structures now.  Under the terms of the Council’s Constitution, the setting up of a company required a decision from Cabinet.  It was proposed that a typical structure be adopted of a parent holding company with the potential for a number of separate trading companies operating in different markets.  The proposed breakdown of responsibilities (between the Cabinet, Cabinet Sub-Committee, Officers and Board of Directors) was attached at Appendix A to the report.  Going forward, the Sub-Committee would act as the Council’s shareholder in the company, with the Directors taking day to day decisions.  It was proposed that Cabinet be recommended to delegate authority to the Chief Finance Officer and Executive Member for Finance and IT to determine the detail of the company structure.


Members noted that initially the Council would set up the holding company and one trading company for letting residential property at market rent.  Further work would need to be undertaken on the best mechanisms for the company to acquire the property and providing a return to the Council. This would be subject of a further report in due course.


In response to a Member’s questions, the Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive confirmed that investigation of the potential development of commercial property would be a task for the new post of Commercialisation Service Director, as would the formulation of a Commercialisation Strategy.


The Sub-Committee supported the recommendations in the report, and felt that it was appropriate to set up both the proposed parent company, and two subsidiary trading companies.  The Sub-Committee therefore amended the recommendation to Cabinet to incorporate reference to “trading companies” and “development; and letting”, as set out below.




(1)     That it be agreed that no further work be undertaken to investigate buy to let investment options; and


(2)     That further work be undertaken to investigate potential conversion/development opportunities, subject to future consideration of the business plan for specific proposals.


RECOMMENDED TO CABINET:  That the principle of setting up a wholly owned holding company and trading companies for the purposes of development; and letting existing and future assets as residential dwellings be approved, and the Chief Finance Officer and Executive Member for Finance and IT be given delegated authority to determine the detail of the structure.


REASON FOR DECISION:  To explore the options for making best use of existing assets.

Supporting documents: