Tom Allington updated Members on Planning Appeals
RESOLVED: That the Committee note the report
Audio recording – 3:24:48
Tom Allington updated Members on Planning Appeals which included:
· We have five appeal decisions to report back
· The site at Croft Lane in Letchworth and this is now one of our allocated housing sites. This was recommended for approval by the officer and was overturned and refused by the Committee on the grounds that Croft Lane was too narrow for the levels of traffic.
· The appeal was dismissed but the inspector found that the reason given by the Council was acceptable and the impact of the traffic would be an unacceptable level. It was dismissed because the obligations in the unilateral undertaking had not been fully justified and therefore had not been found to be fully compliant.
· There are four other appeal decisions but they are not hugely noteworthy but I am happy to take questions
REASON FOR DECISION: To keep the Planning Committee apprised of planning appeals lodged and planning appeal decisions.
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