Agenda item




This report details proposals for the remaining allocation of this funding and provides updates on other relevant DLUHC funding opportunities.



RESOLVED: That Cabinet:


(1)  Noted the allocation of HPG funding (2022/23) of £40k to cover the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) subsidy loss on the Keystage Housing service for the most recent period (Until the end of December 2022) and authorised HPG usage for the projected cost of a further £15k to end of the current financial year.


(2)  Approved the allocation of future HPG allocations to cover DWP subsidy loss created by the accommodation of homeless people in future years, to be included as part of the quarterly budget monitoring process.


(3)  Noted the corporate Financial Risk concerning the cost of measures to address homeless ness will be broadened to include DWP subsidy loss.


(4)  Approved allocations of HPG for 2022/23 to the Black Squirrel Credit Union (£63.2k), Herts County Council Crashpad Service (£6.8k) and Beam (£80k).


(5)  Agreed that any remaining HPG for 2022/23 be allocated by the Director of Regulatory Services in consultation with the Executive Member for Housing and Environmental Health.


(6)  Noted the DLHUC’s single Homelessness Accommodation Programme and its Local Authority Housing Fund.


(7)  Noted the update on the Local Authority Housing Fund and wished to support the scheme if it can. Therefore as Settle has indicated that it was able to provide one larger property and two smaller properties, if that was at a social rent the Council would submit the validation form seeking to pursue that opportunity.


(8)  Requested that Officers feedback to government the difficulties with the scheme, which have prevented the Council taking the full allocation.


(9)  Delegated to the Service Director Regulatory and the Service Director Resources, in consultation with the Executive Member for Housing and Environmental Health and Executive Member for Finance and IT, the final decision on submission of the validation form.





(1)  The Council’s Housing Strategy 2019-2024 outlines the Council’s support for residents with housing challenges and the collective measures outlined in paragraph 2 will benefit homeless people locally, providing support for targeted interventions that will prevent and relieve homelessness.



Audio Recording – 16 minutes 25 seconds


The Chair invited Bernard Lovewell and Martin Stears-Hanscomb, Black Squirrel Credit Union (BSCU), to provide a presentation.


Mr. Lovewell and Mr. Stears-Hanscomb thanked the Chair, gave a presentation, with slides and advised:


·         BSCU commenced operations in July 2002.

·         They operated in North Hertfordshire and surrounding areas and used savings to provide loans at a low interest rate of 1%.

·         BSCU had 1028 members, with £908k in active loans.

·         The number of loans provided by the Credit Union had fluctuated over the years.

·         In 2010, the BSCU formed a partnership with North Hertfordshire District Council.

·         The Grant Fund had covered provisions for bad debt, administration and legal fees for the BSCU.

·         The partnership had many benefits, including quick payments to those in need and reduced costs due to an in-house administration and legal team.


The following Members asked questions:


·         Councillor Ian Albert


In response to the question, Mr. Lovewell and Mr. Stears-Hanscomb advised:


·         The decreased number of loans in 2023 could be due to residents deciding to move out of the district to cheaper housing.

·         There was still a demand for loans, but the figures varied year to year.


Martin Lawrence advised that the private rented sector was unpredictable, which had led to some residents to rent in cheaper areas outside of the district. Further, many residents could not afford to take out a loan.


Members thanked Mr. Lovewell and Mr. Stears-Hanscomb for their work with the BSCU.


Mr. Stears-Hanscomb thanked the Chair and the Housing Team and commented on the good relationship that the BSCU had with the Council.


The Chair thanked Mr. Lovewell and Mr. Stears-Hanscomb for their presentation.


Councillor Sean Prendergast presented the report entitled ‘The Allocation of DLUHC Homelessness Grant’ and advised of the following:


·         The report covered recommendations 2.1 to 2.5.

·         There was an additional recommendation in relation to 2.6.

·         Section 8.1.1 outlined the intended £63.2K grant to the Black Squirrel Credit Union.

·         Sections 8.1 to 8.9 covered the subsidy loss issues, and section 8.7 highlighted the national issues with accommodation.

·         There was a large amount of subsidy loss in relation to hotels. However, the Council was able to use a higher subsidy rate to increase to rate reclaimable from the Department of Work and Pensions.

·         Section 8.12 covered the intended £6.8k grant to the Herts County Council Crashpad scheme, which provided emergency accommodation to homeless young people.

·         Section 8.13 covered the intended £80k grant to Beam, a social enterprise organisation that supported individuals at risk of homelessness by accessing privately rented accommodation and job opportunities.

·         An addendum to section 8.6 Local Authority Housing Fund. There were difficulties supporting this scheme, and the government timescales were unrealistic.


Anthony Roche, Managing Director, provided a verbal update and advised:


·         Since publication of the addendum report, the Council had continued to work to find a way to make the scheme viable.

·         In relation to RP4, while the LHA were keen to make the scheme work, it would not work financially.

·         In relation to RP5, other enquiries had been made, with no response.

·         The Council had been checking in with other Local Authorities to try and make the scheme viable.

·         Settle had put forward one large property under the bridging allocation, and two smaller properties under the main allocation.

·         There was potential to submit this to government for decision.

·         The funding prospectus validation form was not a commitment, with an extra month to liaise with settle to work on detail before signing a Memorandum of Settlement.

·         Other Hertfordshire local authorities may only deliver one large property under the bridging element with many smaller properties under the main element.


Councillor Prendergast proposed and Councillor Dennis-Harburg seconded the recommendations.


The Chair commented on the frustration felt on succeeding and delivering this project in a short timeframe. She commended the Officers and Settle for their work in delivering the project, and that submitting the validation form on 3 February 2023 would be the best step forward.


Councillor Brown commented on her support on the project and commented on the need to put in the validation form to support those who need housing.


N.B Councillors Ian Albert and Keith Hoskins advised that they Board Members of the Black Squirrel Credit Union and therefore would not take part on the vote on recommendation 2.4.


Councillor Prendergast proposed and Councillor Dennis-Harburg seconded and after a vote, it was:


RESOLVED: That Cabinet:


(1)  Approved allocations of HPG for 2022/23 to the Black Squirrel Credit Union (£63.2k), Herts County Council Crashpad Service (£6.8k) and Beam (£80k).


Councillor Prendergast proposed and Councillor Dennis-Harburg seconded and after a vote, it was:


RESOLVED: That Cabinet:


(1)  Noted the allocation of HPG funding (2022/23) of £40k to cover the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) subsidy loss on the Keystage Housing service for the most recent period (Until the end of December 2022) and authorised HPG usage for the projected cost of a further £15k to end of the current financial year.


(2)  Approved the allocation of future HPG allocations to cover DWP subsidy loss created by the accommodation of homeless people in future years, to be included as part of the quarterly budget monitoring process.


(3)  Noted the corporate Financial Risk concerning the cost of measures to address homeless ness will be broadened to include DWP subsidy loss.


(2)  Agreed that any remaining HPG for 2022/23 be allocated by the Director of Regulatory Services in consultation with the Executive Member for Housing and Environmental Health.


(3)  Noted the DLHUC’s single Homelessness Accommodation Programme and its Local Authority Housing Fund.


(4)  Noted the update on the Local Authority Housing Fund and wished to support the scheme if it can. Therefore, as Settle has indicated that it was able to provide one larger property and two smaller properties, if that was at a social rent the Council would submit the validation form seeking to pursue that opportunity.


(5)  Requested that Officers feedback to government the difficulties with the scheme, which have prevented the Council taking the full allocation.


(6)  Delegated to the Service Director Regulatory and the Service Director Resources, in consultation with the Executive Member for Housing and Environmental Health and Executive Member for Finance and IT, the final decision on submission of the validation form.





(1)  The Council’s Housing Strategy 2019-2024 outlines the Council’s support for residents with housing challenges and the collective measures outlined in paragraph 2 will benefit homeless people locally, providing support for targeted interventions that will prevent and relieve homelessness.



Supporting documents: