Agenda item




To update the Cabinet on the future management and maintenance of facilities identified in the Green Space Management Strategy.


[Prior to the consideration of this item. Councillor Tony Hunter made a Declarable Interest, as he was personally involved in a business case for the retention of Betjeman Road and Farrier Court play areas in Royston.  Following advice, he stated that he would remain in the meeting for the debate on the other items, and withdraw from the meeting immediately prior to the debate on the Royston items and vote on the report recommendations.  Due to the uncertainty that this caused, Councillor Hunter was then advised during the item to leave the meeting for the ongoing debate and vote.*]




(1)       That a three month period of time be given for the evaluation of the business case submitted by Templars Football Club for the football changing pavilion at Bakers Close, Baldock;


(2)       That, subject to the sustainability of the business case, the decision to enter into a lease with Templars Football Club or to demolish the building be delegated to the Head of Finance, Performance & Asset Management and the Head of Leisure & Environmental Services;


(3)       That the football changing rooms at St. Johns Road, Cadwell Lane and Walsworth Common, Hitchin be demolished and returned to green space;


(4)       That the Council enters into a contract with Great Ashby Community Council for them to fund the maintenance and replacement of equipment for the play areas at Chilterns, Cleveland Way and Merrick Close, Gt. Ashby;


(5)       That the Council continues to maintain the play equipment at Rosehill, Hitchin up to April 2022, or an earlier date if a new play area is provided in the locality by an independent provider, at nil cost to the Council. The existing Rosehill play area will then be decommissioned;


(6)       That for Betjeman Road and Farrier Court play areas Royston, the Council allows a period of time of up to three months for confirmation of funding sources from third parties; and for Symonds Road, Hitchin and Linnet Close, Letchworth, the Council allows a period of up to three months to assess whether a business case could be developed with local community groups;


(7)       That the equipment be removed from play areas at Ivel Road, Baldock, Dacre Road  Hitchin, and Jackmans Recreation Ground and Oaktree Close, Letchworth. Sites to be landscaped as green space and, where appropriate, include elements of natural play such as grass mounds, logs and benches; and


(8)       That the play area at Fairfield Crescent, Great Ashby be no longer be considered and managed as a formal play area. The existing facilities will be monitored and managed as part of the overall green space.


REASON FOR DECISION:  To enable the retention of the green space within the budgets available to the Council.


[Prior to the consideration of this item. Councillor Tony Hunter made a Declarable Interest, as he was personally involved in a business case for the retention of Betjeman Road and Farrier Court play areas in Royston.  Following advice, he stated that he would remain in the meeting for the debate on the other items, and withdraw from the meeting immediately prior to the debate on the Royston items and vote on the report recommendations.  Due to the uncertainty that this caused, Councillor Hunter was then advised during the item to leave the meeting for the ongoing debate and vote.*]


The Executive Member for Leisure presented a report of the Head of Leisure and Environmental Services in respect of an update on the future management and maintenance of facilities identified in the Green Space Management Strategy.  The following appendices were submitted with the report:


Appendix A – Communication Plan;

Appendix B – Relevant committee discussions or decisions;

Appendix C – Play Area guide;

Appendix D – Timeline of actions; and

Appendix E – Impact Assessment.


The Executive Member for Leisure advised that over a year ago the Cabinet had reviewed the Council’s Green Space Management Strategy, necessitated by the fact that the Council would be unable to sustain its green spaces to previous levels due to diminishing capital resources.


The Executive Member for Leisure stated that the hard decision taken had been to rationalise the play area and pavilion provision across the District.  13 play areas (out of 47) had been identified as having less use, and were earmarked for closure; and 4 pavilions were in a dangerous condition, requiring a significant capital investment were they to be retained, and hence had been identified for demolition.


The Executive Member for Leisure explained that, rather than implement these measures immediately, residents and other groups should be given until 1 March 2018 to work with officers to devise ways in which to take on the maintenance of these facilities, but not at the Council’s expense.  There had been some positive outcomes, as set out in the report, but not in all areas.  She thanked the Parks and Countryside Manager for his work in engaging with residents and groups in order to seek a way forward for the facilities.


In respect of the pavilions, the Executive Member for Leisure commented that officers had met with 9 different groups who had expressed an interest in taking over various pavilions.  One had put forward a business case to take on the Bakers Close, Baldock pavilion, and all other groups had withdrawn their interest.  Further work would be required with the Bakers Close group, and hence it was recommended that a further 3 month extension of time be given to finalise the details.  In the absence of similar plans for the other 3 pavilions, it was therefore recommended that these be demolished and reverted to green space.


In relation to play areas, the Executive Member for Leisure, over 130 individuals of community groups had been in contact expressing an interest.  Notices were displayed in each of the affected play areas and a play area guide was produced.  Potential sustainable solutions had been found to retain some of the 13 play areas earmarked for closure, at nil cost to the Council, as follows:


·      the Great Ashby Community Council had agreed to provide funding for 3 play areas;

·      a proposal to fund the Jackmans play area in Letchworth Garden City was put forward and then subsequently withdrawn;

·      the proposed new housing development on the edge of Hitchin would mean there was a reasonable chance of a new play area being provided (and so the Rosehill play area would remain open up to April 2022 or earlier should the play area associated with the new development be provided before that date); and

·      the Fairfield Crescent, Great Ashby play area would no longer be considered and managed as a formal play area, with the existing facilities  being monitored and managed as part of the overall green space.


In respect of the other play areas, the Executive Member for Leisure stated that the report indicated that Ivel Road, Baldock, Dacre Road and Symonds Road Hitchin, and Jackmans Recreation Ground, Linnet Close and Oaktree Close, Letchworth would be closed, the equipment removed, and the areas returned to green space.


Following representations made at the Overview and Scrutiny Committee regarding usage of the Symonds Road, Hitchin play area and the comments made by Mrs Oliver under Public Participation earlier in the meeting in respect of the Linnet Close, Letchworth play area, the Executive Member for Leisure recommended that the Council allowed a period of up to three months to assess whether a business case could be developed with local community groups for retention of these play spaces.  The Cabinet supported this recommendation.


*At this point in the proceedings, Councillor Hunter withdrew from the meeting for the remainder of this item.


With regard to Royston, the Executive Member for Leisure commented that, again, she was recommending that the Council allowed a period of time of up to three months for the confirmation of funding sources from third parties for the retention of the Betjeman Road and Farrier Court play areas.  The Cabinet supported this recommendation.




(1)       That a three month period of time be given for the evaluation of the business case submitted by Templars Football Club for the football changing pavilion at Bakers Close, Baldock;


(2)       That, subject to the sustainability of the business case, the decision to enter into a lease with Templars Football Club or to demolish the building be delegated to the Head of Finance, Performance & Asset Management and the Head of Leisure & Environmental Services;


(3)       That the football changing rooms at St. Johns Road, Cadwell Lane and Walsworth Common, Hitchin be demolished and returned to green space;


(4)       That the Council enters into a contract with Great Ashby Community Council for them to fund the maintenance and replacement of equipment for the play areas at Chilterns, Cleveland Way and Merrick Close, Gt. Ashby;


(5)       That the Council continues to maintain the play equipment at Rosehill, Hitchin up to April 2022, or an earlier date if a new play area is provided in the locality by an independent provider, at nil cost to the Council. The existing Rosehill play area will then be decommissioned;


(6)       That for Betjeman Road and Farrier Court play areas Royston, the Council allows a period of time of up to three months for confirmation of funding sources from third parties; and for Symonds Road, Hitchin and Linnet Close, Letchworth, the Council allows a period of up to three months to assess whether a business case could be developed with local community groups;


(7)       That the equipment be removed from play areas at Ivel Road, Baldock, Dacre Road  Hitchin, and Jackmans Recreation Ground and Oaktree Close, Letchworth. Sites to be landscaped as green space and, where appropriate, include elements of natural play such as grass mounds, logs and benches; and


(8)       That the play area at Fairfield Crescent, Great Ashby be no longer be considered and managed as a formal play area. The existing facilities will be monitored and managed as part of the overall green space.


REASON FOR DECISION:  To enable the retention of the green space within the budgets available to the Council.

Supporting documents: