This report identifies the latest position on key planning and transport issues affecting the District.
(1) That the report on strategic planning matters was noted.
(2) That the officer responses and Project Board procedures attached as Appendices A to G were noted and endorsed by Cabinet.
(3) That Cabinet approved the use of £85k of reserve funding to respond to the London Luton Airport planning application being considered by the Planning Inspectorate.
REASON FOR DECISION: To keep Cabinet informed of recent developments on strategic planning matters.
Audio recording – 1:16:34
Councillor Ruth Brown presented the report entitled ‘Strategic Planning Matters’ and advised:
· The report took into consideration the LCWIP and Conservation Areas.
· The proposed timetable for the remaining Strategic Planning Documents (SPDs) were detailed in the report, which were Sustainability, Biodiversity and Design Code.
· There were six large strategic sites. The first, Highover Farm was being presented to the Planning Control Committee on 6 July 2023.
· Paragraph 8.13 detailed the Ickleford Neighbourhood Plan Consultation, which would be reported on.
· Paragraph 8.16 detailed the Chesfield Consultation, which had lots of resident representation. However, further discussions would take place, as key stakeholders were not involved.
· Paragraphs 8.32 and 8.33 detailed the recommendation to approve £85k to respond to the Development Consent Order from London Luton Airport.
· The Council had made an in-principle objection, and the joint response would be made with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) and Dacorum Borough Council.
· Paragraph 8.42 detailed bus service improvement. HCC had been given a significant sum of money to go towards fare reduction and priority buses in Hitchin.
· Paragraph 8.52 detailed Electric Vehicle Charging Points, which was currently awaiting funding from the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles.
· If funding was unsuccessful, there could be alternative funding from HCC through the Government Local Electric Vehicles Infrastructure (LEVI) capital fund programme.
Councillor Ruth Brown proposed and Councillor Amy Allen seconded and, following a vote, it was:
(1) That the report on strategic planning matters was noted.
(2) That the officer responses and Project Board procedures attached as Appendices A to G were noted and endorsed by Cabinet.
(3) That Cabinet approved the use of £85k of reserve funding to respond to the London Luton Airport planning application being considered by the Planning Inspectorate.
REASON FOR DECISION: To keep Cabinet informed of recent developments on strategic planning matters.
Supporting documents: