Agenda item


6a)       Finance, Audit and Risk Committee – Second Quarter Revenue Budget Monitoring 2023/24 – to be considered with Item 12

6b)       Finance, Audit and Risk Committee – Second Quarter Investment Strategy (Capital and Treasury) Review 2023/24 – to be considered with Item 13 

6c)       Finance, Audit and Risk Committee – Mid Year Update on Risk Management Governance – to be considered with Item 14

6d)       Finance, Audit and Risk Committee – Draft Budget 2024-25 – to be considered with Item 15


Any further referrals from other Committees will be circulated as soon as they are available.



The Chair advised that the items referred from the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be taken with the respective items on the agenda.


Audio recording – 7 minutes 25 seconds


The Chair advised that the items referred from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee would be taken with the respective items on the agenda.

Supporting documents: