Agenda item


To receive an update from the Herts Police on Hate Crime in North Herts.


A presentation was received from Hertfordshire Constabulary regarding Hate Crime in North Herts.


Audio recording – 41 minutes 55 seconds


The Chair invited Inspector James Lant and Sergeant Chris Adshead, from Hertfordshire Constabulary, to provide Members with a presentation on Hate Crime in North Herts. Inspector Lant and Sergeant Adshead thanked the Chair for the opportunity and provided a presentation, accompanied by slides, which advised of the following:


·       The objective of the evening was to help Members gain an understanding into Hate Crime in North Herts and to paint a national picture around Hate Crime.

·       The National Police Chiefs Council publish figures weekly which were collated by the National Communication Tension Team to produce weekly tension reports.

·       These weekly tension reports could be studied over periods to show national changes to reporting of the five hate crimes.

·       An international event or disaster would have an impact in national hate crime rolling figures which would produce an increase in all the five hate crime strands.

·       The five hate crime strands were:

o   Faith.

o   Disability

o   Sexual orientation

o   Race

o   Transgender

·       Hate crime was a crime that was recorded as having a motivation or hostility when committed towards one of the five hate crime strands.

·       A non crime incident could be reported under one of the following three circumstances:

o   When it was not clear whether a crime had been committed or not.

o   A crime had to be recorded because of its nature for intelligence purposes.

o   An incident that fell short of criminal activity, but that might lead to criminal conduct.

·       Reporting of hate crime had increased and the objective for 2024 was to enable more people to feel able to report hate crimes.

·       There was an increase in third party reporting centres to assist people who did not speak English or did not want to come to a police station. The North Herts District Council offices was one of these reporting centres.

·       True Vision was a website devised by the Metropolitan police through which hate crimes could be reported anonymously.

·       PC Lewis Thomson had been appointed as the new hate crime officer in North Herts, to make people aware that hate crime must be reported and that it was taken very seriously by the police.

·       North Herts police followed certain national standards to record crimes where every incident reported was recorded and audited.


The following Members asked questions:


·       Councillor Ralph Muncer

·       Councillor David Levett

·       Councillor Clare Billing

·       Councillor Val Bryant

·       Councillor Mick Debenham


In response to questions, Inspector Lant and Sergeant Adshead advised of the following:


·       Communications had been built over the last 12 months with the Jewish community where police officers make connections with community groups to help them to feel safe.

·       Crimes against women and girls did not fall under the five strands of hate crime. However, this was as very serious matter and was taken very seriously by the police and a lot of time and work was undertaken to ensure women and girls felt safe in North Herts.

·       North Herts had signed up to the White Ribbon UK an organisation who worked with men and boys to challenge cultures that lead to harassment against women and girls.

·       Project Vigilant was a new initiative and would be introduced in North Herts in March, whereby a select group of police officers would be trained and then would be put on surveillance from 4pm – 7pm to try to identify individuals that may prove to be a risk to women. This project had been based on training used by Thames Valley Police with the aim to make North Herts a safe place at nighttime.

·       North Herts Police were working with Dignify a charity in South Hertfordshire to deliver a comprehensive package to schools about online safety.


The Licensing and Community Safety Officer advised that:


·       North Herts were currently working on two main projects, violence against women and girls and anti-social behaviour.

·       North Herts Council worked in partnership with the police and were a third party reporting centre.

·       A video promoting ‘The Women’s Safety Charter’ was ready to be filmed and it was hoped this would be rolled out by the end of February and would be publicised throughout North Herts.


The Chair thanked Inspector Lant and Sergeant Adshead for their presentation and answers provided to the questions.


N.B. Following the conclusion of this item there was a short break in proceedings until 21:20.