Agenda item


To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public.


Immediately before each of the respective Agenda Items, a presentation was received from Silke Gruner, Emanuele Lo Faro and Edward Keyner regarding Agenda Item 9 - Land North of Great Ashby (GA2) Strategic Masterplan Framework and from Richard Kelly regarding Agenda Item 10 - North Stevenage Strategic Masterplan Framework.


Audio recording – 23 minutes 12 seconds


N.B. Councillor Cathy Brownjohn left the Chamber at 20:33 and returned at 20:42.


The Chair invited Ms Silke Gruner, Mr Emanuele Lo Faro and Mr Edward Keyner to present to Council their presentation regarding Agenda Item 9 - Land North-East of Great Ashby (GA2) Strategic Masterplan Framework.


Ms Gruner thanked the Chair for the opportunity and provided a presentation for Members which included that:


·       It had taken 10 years to get to this stage.

·       This was a development of 600 homes including 250 affordable dwellings. The site would have a community centre and a primary school.

·       This was a landscaped led development utilising the woodlands and providing an attractive edge to the site.

·       The Masterplan had previously been described as excellent by Members and this reflected the preparation and commitment of the team. The team had worked with Officers and the Project Board to get to this point.

·       Work was continuing with Officers on the pre application phase with an aim to submit an outline planning application in early 2025.

·       There would be further details in the outline planning application including the housing mix and density and an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

·       There was ongoing work on a sustainable travel strategy linking the development, including improvements to bridleways.

·       In coordination with the Highways Agency extensive modelling and assessment work had been completed regarding the traffic impact from the development

·       There would be a primary school on the site and a community centre. There had been discussion regarding an NHS provision, but these were ongoing.

·       The development would be implemented by a construction partner subsequent to any planning application.

·       It was expected that the development including infrastructure would occur over a period of 5 years with 150 to 200 homes built each year.


The following Members asked points of clarification:


·       Councillor Daniel Allen

·       Councillor Ralph Muncer

·       Councillor Tom Tyson

·       Councillor Ruth Brown

·       Councillor Laura Williams

·       Councillor Steve Jarvis

·       Councillor Vijaiya Poopalasingham

·       Councillor Paul Ward

·       Councillor Sam Collins


In response to points of clarification, Ms Gruner advised that:


·       There would be active travel routes between Great Ashby and Stevenage, some of which would be dedicated cycle paths.

·       There had been a question-and-answer session at the Community Hall in Great Ashby.

·       Questions had been raised regarding any NHS facilities however, this was not something under their control, a site would be made available if successful.

·       There was an emergency vehicle access point from Back Lane.

·       This was an allocated site in the Local Plan, the Local Plan had been agreed with one site access. Highways had been consulted regarding this matter.

·       There were ongoing discussions with Herts Badger Group regarding their concerns.

·       There were ongoing discussions regarding an NHS facility. These would be progressed and a suitable location would be allocated if successful.

·       Work was ongoing with the Highways team at Hertfordshire County Council regarding the access point with some minor alterations made to the geometry of the junction.

·       The Highways team undertook computer modelling of the site reviewing existing movements and taking into account the growth from this and other developments. The modelling then predicted any pinch points, queue times and areas where more infrastructure would be required. 

·       It was expected that the bus loop would commence in phase one of the development and progress with the phases. It was anticipated that this would be when the Section 106 funding for the primary school was received and after the completion of a set number of dwellings.

·       There were four areas identified for potential cycle routes or upgrades to existing routes, these would be finalised and secured at the reserve matters stage.

·       The Highways modelling did not identify any further junctions for improvements. However, it did highlight the need to improve pedestrian and cycle routes and crossings.

·       The emergency access from Back Lane would be controlled by key activated bollards. Pedestrians, cyclist and horse riders would be able to pass through this access route.

·       The Highways modelling established that the junction was viable for the increased volume of traffic. The model was approved as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment and was available online. Pedestrian and cycle ways were encouraged.

·       If there was a major shift in movement habits the assessment could be refreshed.

·       The modelling took into account the developments at GA1 and in North Stevenage.

·       There was an established shop in Great Ashby and it was considered that this was within walking and cycling distance and that therefore a new shop would not be viable. The space could however be used for other commercial purposes.

·       Several points were raised during the public consultation, however most of these discussions related to the outline planning and reserve matters stages of the development and were not for consideration under this item.

·       The undeveloped land outside of the development site was not in their remit. There might be scope for the Highways team to discuss any access with the landowner.

·       Councillors and Highways could influence the bus service however, this was not the remit of the developer. 

·       There was an international drive to shift traffic transport, this was especially successful in the younger generation. Public transport, cycle routes and pedestrian pathways were in place to assist with this.

·       There was still some movement on the bus route and work was ongoing with the bus company and Highways, and Councillor could have input into these discussions.

·       There had been considerable work with the GA1 developers especially regarding links to the local centres, community hubs and schools.

·       The bus route although considered did not form part of the Masterplan.

·       The engagement team had sent invitations to local residents informing them of the public consultations. These were also advertised locally including a leaflet drop in Great Ashby. Clarification could be sought regarding which Councillors were invited.

·       Throughout the 15 years of engagement with this development, there had always only been one point of access to this site. Access from Back Lane was not viable, and no other alternatives had been put forward.

·       To gain access from Back Lane would mean the destruction of kilometres of hedgerows and ditches, this was not ecologically or financially viable for 600 homes, and therefore had not been considered.


In response to points of clarification, Mr Lo Faro advised that:


·       It was anticipated that the bus service would serve both the GA1 and GA2 sites with links into Stevenage.

·       There were ongoing traffic surveys assessing existing parking areas to minimalise any displacement.

·       There had been a review commissioned by Highways regarding the access point and this review validated the one access point.


The Chair thanked Ms Gruner, Mr Lo Faro and Mr Keyner for their presentation.


The Chair noted that this concluded the public participation on Agenda Item 9 - Land North-East of Great Ashby (GA2) Strategic Masterplan Framework. and reminded Members that no further questions would be addressed to the public participants.


Audio recording – 2 hours 7 minutes 35 seconds


The Chair invited Mr Richard Kelly to present to Council his presentation regarding Agenda Item 10 - North Stevenage Strategic Masterplan Framework.


·       There had been ongoing engagement with the public, stakeholders, Stevenage Borough Council, the developers of HO3 and the Gravely Parish Councillors to get to this point.

·       This was a high-quality development with supporting infrastructure, allotments, open spaces, a primary school and community building.

·       The development would deliver 900 homes, of which 40% would be affordable.

·       The overarching principles of the development were set out in the Local Plan.

·       The Masterplan expanded on the policies set out in the Local Plan and considered how they would be assessed and mitigated during the Planning process.

·       A detailed design code would be available at the reserved matters stage.

·       The Masterplan had been amended to show how the two sites integrated, including the retail facilities in HO3 and the community building in NS1.

·       Discussions were ongoing with the NHS regarding the use of the Community building.

·       It was anticipated that it would take 4 minutes to cycle and 16 minutes to walk across the sites.

·       The positioning of pedestrian, cycle and vehicle connection point between the two sites was the outcome of considerable discussions with both Councils and the Highways team.

·       The access points had now been fixed with the commencement of work at the HO3 site.

·       The NHS had not reached a conclusion regarding a GP surgery on the site.

·       The development would incorporate the ratings contained in the recently adopted Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) standards.

·       The outline planning permission had been submitted and included an environment scheme. This would be presented to the Planning Control Committee for consideration.


The Chair thanked Mr Kelly for his presentation.