Agenda item




For Council to agree the Terms of Reference for the Community Governance Review (CGR) - to signify the formal start of the Review and launch of the first stage of consultation.




(1)   That Council agreed the Terms of Reference for the Community Governance Review, signifying the formal start of the Review and commencement of the first stage consultation.


(2)   That Council approved the additional budget of £20k required for the use of the Association of Electoral Administrators consultancy service to assist with delivering the Community Governance Review.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: The Council is required to keep parish electoral arrangements under review. Following the LGBCE review of district electoral arrangements (Council size and warding patterns), it is necessary to review parish arrangements across the district to bring them into alignment, ensure they remain fit for purpose, and to ensure they continue to reflect local needs.


Audio recording – 1 hour and 47 seconds


N.B Councillor Emma Rowe left the Chamber at 20:33 and returned at 20:34.


The Democratic Services Manager presented the report entitled ‘Community Governance Review Terms of Reference’ and stated that:


·       The report was being presented as a next stage, following the review of the district ward boundaries.

·       The outcome of the district review resulted in the Council moving to whole Council elections and an increase in the numbers of Councillors along with changes to ward boundaries and names.

·       The Community Governance Review (CGR) now focused on the electoral arrangements at Parish level.

·       Following a review of warding arrangements by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England changes to the parish arrangements were required so that they remained fit for purpose and reflected local communities.

·       There was an aspiration to formulate a Town Council for Hitchin.

·       Royston Town Council were dissatisfied with the warding arrangements imposed by the Commission for Royston.

·       It had been some time since the last CGR, the review would therefore cover the entire district and consult on a wide range of topics.

·       Council was asked to agree the Terms of Reference in Appendix A to formally start the CGR.

·       The proposed consultation questionnaire was attached as Appendix B.

·       The questionnaire responses would be reviewed, and draft recommendations would be developed and discussed by a CGR Working Group, before being considered by Council.

·       The review should be completed within 12 months.

·       Any changes resulting from the CGR would be implemented ahead of the elections in May 2026.

·       Additional funding was required for a consultant to assist with leading and coordinating the CGR.


The following Members asked questions:


·       Councillor Matt Barnes

·       Councillor Alistair Willoughby

·       Councillor Donna Wright


In response to questions, the Democratic Services Manager advised:


·       The CGR would consider a wide range of topic as listed within the report. Any devoluted powers as a result of the creation of any new parish would be at a later stage of the process.

·       Previous comments submitted to the Commission by Royston Town Council were included within the report for context. This consultation would allow anybody, including Royston Town Council, to submit response, which may differ from those previously submitted.,

·       The Commission had put in place changes to Royston Town Council and Bygrave Parish Council. Should the recommendations be for changes to these areas, the Council would need to consult the Commission. 

Councillor Ruth Brown agreed that wide scope changes were needed especially with the recent large developments in Royston and that the alignment of the electoral cycles would be cost efficient.


Councillor Ralph Muncer stated that as the last review was in 2006, a new review was long overdue. Parish Councillors had important roles, engaging with residents, and empowering the Communities, especially as their meetings tended to have greater public attendance.


Councillor Daniel Allen proposed and Councillor Ruth Brown seconded and, following a vote, it was:




(1)   That Council agreed the Terms of Reference for the Community Governance Review, signifying the formal start of the Review and commencement of the first stage consultation.


(2)   That Council approved the additional budget of £20k required for the use of the Association of Electoral Administrators consultancy service to assist with delivering the Community Governance Review.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: The Council is required to keep parish electoral arrangements under review. Following the LGBCE review of district electoral arrangements (Council size and warding patterns), it is necessary to review parish arrangements across the district to bring them into alignment, ensure they remain fit for purpose, and to ensure they continue to reflect local needs.

Supporting documents: