Agenda item


To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public.


Presentations were received by the Council from, Ms Catherine Beach and Ms Lynsey Moorley on behalf of SANDs and from Mr Graham Fisher regarding item 15 Land to the North of the Grange.


Audio recording – 15 minutes 12 seconds


The Chair advised that she had invited Catherine Beach and Lynsey Moorley from her chosen charity SANDs, to make a presentation to Council. Ms Beach and Ms Moorley thanked the Chair for the opportunity and provided a presentation for Members, which included that:


·       SANDs were a national charity that worked to save babies live and provide support to all those affected when a baby died.

·       The charity aimed to amplify the voices of families and maternity staff, and funded research into 90 projects, working to improve maternity care and understand why babies die.

·       The charity worked closed with Tommy’s to improve maternity standards.

·       They funded targeted research to ensure better NHS initiatives for bereavement care for all involved.

·       SANDs offered workplace training for colleagues of those affected for their return to work.

·       They provided support for parents and families via webinars, workshops, online forums and telephone helplines. Anyone affected could attend for support at no cost and for as long as required.

·       There were 6 volunteers at the North Herts branch, and they worked closely with the Lister Hospital.

·       There were monthly meetings held in Great Ashby and Stevenage, these were a safe space to talk and were staffed by bereaved parents.

·       They had trained befrienders with the training regularly refreshed and there was support available through the SANDs national training helpline.

·       There were quarterly family social gatherings in Hitchin where families could bring siblings and create memory jars or plant seeds as well as an annual Christmas party.

·       Children requiring support were signposted to the ‘Stand By Me’ charity.

·       They would like to encourage and recruit a male befriender to assist with their support for fathers.

·       An annual memorial service was held in October 2023 to coincide with Baby Loss Awareness Week with the Chaplin from Lister Hospital and a performance from the hospital choir.

·       They take part in the annual Christmas tree festival in Hitchin as well as many other funding raising events throughout the year.

·       The were looking for a volunteer to help with their fund-raising activities.

·       They worked closely with the Lister hospital and had a liaison officer who had regular meetings with the Bereavement Care Team. They would like to raise funds to improve the neo natal unit at Lister Hospital.

·       There was a baby memorial garden at the QEII Hospital in Welwyn that required improvements, and therefore funding to enable this to happen.

·       They would like to set up a clinic for Rainbow parents and specifically for those parents that have lost a child due to a medical termination.

·       Family GPs were often unaware of SANDs and a campaign was required so that bereaved patients could be signposted for help.

·       During the last Baby Loss Awareness Week, Lister Hospital was illuminated pink and blue and there was a global wave of light to remember lost babies.

·       Parents do not always have a place to visit and remember their babies and they would like to build another memorial garden.


In response to a questions from Councillor Sadie Billing, Ms Beach advised that they worked closely with Tommy’s and the Lullaby Trust and held local support groups with befrienders.


Ms Moorley advised that no other local baby loss charities held monthly meetings, and supported those affected via Facebook, emails, phone calls and these were places where parents were encouraged to share.


The Chair thanked Ms Beach and Ms Moorley for their presentation, and invited Mr Graham Fisher to present to Council his presentation regarding item 15 Land to the North of the Grange (LG1) – Strategic Masterplan Framework.


Mr Fisher thanked the Chair for the opportunity and provided a presentation for Members, which included that:


·       It had been a long journey to get this item to Council.

·       North Herts Officers had worked in collaboration with the applicant to achieve an exemplary scheme.

·       The scheme would provide a modern-day extension to the Garden City.

·       There had been an extensive programme of community consultation, and time had been spent listening to the concerns and ambitions of residents.

·       The scheme was important to Letchworth Garden City and would create much need housing.

·       The housing would be truly affordable.


The Chair thanked Mr Fisher for his presentation.