Agenda item


This note highlights suggested topics for the work programme for the Cabinet Panel on the Environment for 2024/25 and asks members to feed in their suggestions and/or confirm their preferences. The Work Programme at Appendix A highlights these suggestions as well as previous topics covered.


The Policy and Strategy Team Leader provided a verbal update on the Work Programme for 2024/25 civic year.


Audio recording – 4 minutes 59 seconds


The Policy and Strategy Team Leader presented the Information Note entitled ‘Work Programme Suggestions for 2024/25’ and advised that that:


·       The Panel was established in 2019 with an aim to set a Work Programme which would encourage discussion with the public, who could share ideas with Officers and the Panel could refer these on for consideration.

·       There were several projects which the Council had ongoing, alongside the Hertfordshire Climate Change and Sustainability Partnership (HCCSP) and these would be discussed throughout the meeting.

·       The North Herts Prosperity Fund, part of the Shared Prosperity Fund, had been established and agreed at Cabinet earlier in 2024, with £210,000 to support parish and community projects. Criteria had now been developed for applications to this fund and was now open for applications through to 1 September 2024.

·       An allocation of funding had been made separately for unparished areas, such as town centres.


The following Members and members of the public asked questions:


·       Councillor Mick Debenham

·       Councillor Joe Graziano

·       Councillor Claire Strong

·       Councillor Bryony May

·       Diane Ketcher


In response to questions, the Policy and Strategy Team Leader advised:


·       A discussion had taken place on the future of the Solar Together scheme, and it was proposed that the Council would not take part in the next round in autumn as the uptake for the second round was lower than the first. It was hoped that a cooling off period would increase interest in uptake of the scheme.

·       The Home Upgrade Grant applied to the income of a household. A request had been made to increase the level of household income at which residents would be able to access the scheme to £39,000, but this was refused as it was made part way through the scheme.

·       Information provided verbally was covered in the reports pack from the meeting and further information would be provided in presentations throughout the meeting, with slides circulated afterwards.

·       Discussions had been held between Officers regarding the roll out of the EcoFlex scheme and the resources required to support this, as well as what documentation was required. It was expected that this would move forward over the next few weeks.

·       Organisations who had already received funding from the Council for other projects would likely still be able to apply for further funds from the North Herts Prosperity Fund, but this would be confirmed, and the full criteria circulated to Members.

·       The application period was normal for this type of scheme and the application was straightforward, with broad criteria which groups could meet.

·       Funds allocated must be spent by the groups by March 2025.

·       The Community / Partnerships team would monitor applications and, should it be required, the deadline could be extended. However, there had already been applications received, and further discussions with potential applicants, and so it was unlikely the scheme would be undersubscribed.

·       It would need to be explored whether BIDs could make applications to the Prosperity Fund scheme.


The Chair advised that Morrisons also had funding available for registered charities for up to £10,000 to support community schemes.



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