Agenda item



The Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) has been prepared to provide additional detail and clarity to the North Herts Local Plan Policy SP1: Sustainable Development in North Hertfordshire, and other relevant policies in the Plan.




(1)   The Cabinet adopted the Sustainability SPD, attached as a Supplementary Document to the agenda.


(2)   That Cabinet delegated authority to the Service Director – Regulatory, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and Transport, to make any minor non-material corrections (including but not limited to cosmetic additions or presentational alterations) to the adopted Sustainability SPD as considered necessary for publication and publicity in accordance with the relevant regulations.


(3)   To support the recommendation in 2.1, Cabinet resolved to pursue the preparation of a separate Parking and Transport SPD contrary to the previous resolution to incorporate it into the Sustainability SPD in July 2021.




(1)   To allow the Sustainability SPD to be adopted to support the delivery of the policies in the adopted Local Plan and ensure the securing of sustainable development in the District.


(2)   To encourage higher standards of design quality and sustainability across the District responding directly to the Council’s pledges and ambitions as set out in the Climate Emergency and Ecological Emergency declarations.


Audio recording – 53 minutes 46 seconds


The Leader of the Council presented the report entitled ‘Sustainability SPD’ and advised that:


·       The SPD supported the Local Plan and provided additional information on specific issues.

·       The North Hertfordshire SPD encouraged the high standard of sustainability in new housing developments in the District.

·       Cabinet approved the draft SPD back in December 2023.

·       17 formal responses had been received from a public consultation.

·       This updated SPD was clearer on how guidance should be applied to different developments in the District.

·       The Council Project Board had considered the main changes to the SPD in July 2024.


The following Members asked questions:


·       Councillor Ian Albert

·       Councillor Tamsin Thomas

·       Councillor Amy Allen

·       Councillor Daniel Allen

·       Councillor Mick Debenham


In response to questions, the Strategic Planning Manager advised that:


·       The last SPD was approved in March 2021 and a separate travel and parking SPD would be produced in the next calendar year.

·       The key themes for developers were travel, biodiversity and open spaces.

·       Smaller developments were likely to achieve passive housing standards.

·       Larger developments were encouraged to focus on two or three SPDs rather than the total of eight SPDs available, which would be unviable.

·       Officers could encourage developers by awarding gold for a passive house standard and silver for developers displaying willing to achieve a higher standard.

·       Quality design was key and the Council was working with the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) to ensure developers were following correct hierarchy within their projects.

·       A SUD was a small pond that could fill up with water. It was a drainage area created stop water from flooding newly built homes.


The following Members took part in a debate:


·       Councillor Tamsin Thomas

·       Councillor Daniel Allen


Points raised in a debate included:


·       It was good to see the inclusion of the protection of chalk streams and rivers listed as a resource within the SPD.

·       This was a useful document for North Herts Council to have when making suggestions to housing developers.


Councillor Daniel Allen proposed and Councillor Mick Debenham seconded and, following a vote, it was:


RESOLVED: That Cabinet:


(1)   Adopted the Sustainability SPD, attached as a Supplementary Document to the agenda.


(2)   Granted delegated authority to the Service Director – Regulatory, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and Transport, to make any minor non-material corrections (including but not limited to cosmetic additions or presentational alterations) to the adopted Sustainability SPD as considered necessary for publication and publicity in accordance with the relevant regulations.


(3)   Supported the recommendation in 2.1, to resolve to pursue the preparation of a separate Parking and Transport SPD contrary to the previous resolution to incorporate it into the Sustainability SPD in July 2021.




(1)   To allow the Sustainability SPD to be adopted to support the delivery of the policies in the adopted Local Plan and ensure the securing of sustainable development in the District.


(2)   To encourage higher standards of design quality and sustainability across the District responding directly to the Council’s pledges and ambitions as set out in the Climate Emergency and Ecological Emergency declarations.

Supporting documents: