Agenda item




Proposal to revise use of commuted sum allocation.


RESOLVED: That, subject to the completion of the necessary legal documentation, planning and regulatory requirements, Cabinet approved the allocation of £388.3k of commuted sums to One YMCA to aid their acquisition of Anderson House, Florence Street, Hitchin.


REASON FOR DECISION: This proposal has been made in order to support One YMCA’s acquisition of Anderson House and in turn help meet the needs of some of the District’s most vulnerable residents.


Audio recording – 1 hour 17 minutes 03 seconds


Councillor Dave Winstanley, Executive Member for Housing and Environmental Health, presented the report entitled ‘Revised Use of Commuted Sums’ and advised:


·       Commuted Sums were received in exceptional circumstances from developers in lieu of the delivery of affordable housing on site.

·       The Council no longer owned any affordable housing stocks and now worked with housing developers to secure affordable housing.

·       The Council had been successful in a bid under the Single Homelessness Accommodation Programme (SHAP) and the grant allocated was a capital amount of £3.2million and a revenue amount of £1.2million over three years.

·       Currently the Council used nightly accommodation for the homeless which was a cost of approximately £1.1million over four years. This was not sustainable and the instability was detrimental to the wellbeing of the homeless.

·       £388.3k of the capital had been allocated to the North Herts Sanctuary site in Nightingale Road, Hitchin which One YMCA were planning to develop. However, delays to the start date and missed deadlines caused Homes England, the overseeing body of the grant, to become concerned. In the meantime, Anderson House in Hitchin became for sale and One YMCA made an offer which was accepted. Anderson House would be able to accommodate more rooms once developed.

·       Therefore, permission was being sought to transfer the £388.3k allocated to the proposed Sanctuary development to the development of Anderson House.


The following Members asked questions:


·       Councillor Daniel Allen

·       Councillor Tamsin Thomas

·       Councillor Val Bryant

·       Councillor Dave Winstanley


In response to questions, Guy Foxell – One YMCA advised that this project was in its very early stages as contracts had not yet been exchanged on Anderson House. Once completion had taken place, a planning application would need to be approved and then public consultation would commence.


N.B. There was a short break in the proceedings and the meeting reconvened at 21.49.


In response to questions, the Service Director – Housing and Environmental Health advised that the funds would only be made available to One YMCA once planning permission had been granted.


The following Members took part in a debate:


·       Councillor Ian Albert

·       Councillor Daniel Allen


Points raised in a debate included:


·       The Council acknowledged the importance of this housing scheme and that funds should not be paid in advance of a planning application for Anderson House being granted.

·       Appreciation was expressed to Helping Herts Homeless for their understanding and support with this project and for the work on Anderson House.


Having been proposed, as amended, by Councillor Daniel Allen and seconded by Councillor Dave Winstanley, following a vote, it was:


RESOLVED: That subject to the completion of the necessary legal documentation, planning and regulatory requirements, Cabinet approved the allocation of £388.3k of commuted sums to One YMCA to aid their acquisition of Anderson House, Florence Street, Hitchin.


REASON FOR DECISION: This proposal has been made in order to support One YMCA’s acquisition of Anderson House and in turn help meet the needs of some of the District’s most vulnerable residents.

Supporting documents: