Agenda item




To provide the committee with an update on the progress of the Enterprise Directorate.


RESOLVED: That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted the report.


REASON FOR DECISION: The report is following the request of the committee for an update on the progress of the Enterprise Directorate and is for information only.


Audio recording - 33 minutes 53 seconds


Councillor Tamsin Thomas, as Executive Member for Enterprise and Arts, presented the report entitled ‘Enterprise Directorate Update’ and advised that:


·       This report provided an update on the progress of the Enterprise directorate.

·       The Council Plan was a key document which sets out the objectives of the Council for each portfolio including the Enterprise department.

·       The Enterprise department played a key role in managing external relationships of the Council, for example with the Business Improvement Districts (BIDs).


The Service Director – Enterprise advised that the department generated a significant of revenue and capital for the Council and details of the work programme could be found in Appendix A.


The following Members asked questions:


·       Councillor Ralph Muncer

·       Councillor Matt Barnes

·       Councillor Daniel Wright-Mason

·       Councillor Donna Wright

·       Councillor Martin Prescott

·       Councillor Elizabeth Dennis

·       Councillor Tina Bhartwas

·       Councillor Matt Barnes

·       Councillor Tom Tyson


In response to questions the Executive Member for Enterprise and Arts advised that:


·       Figures in the report could be separated for the Museum and Town Hall and this information would be provided to Members at a future meeting.

·       Staff recruitment had been successful in the Estates portfolio, but there were still more positions to be filled within the directorate.

·       Relationships developed with the BIDs were in a stronger position than in the past.

·       The aim of the new Economic Development Strategy was to ensure the right structures and mechanisms were in place in the future.


In response to questions, the Service Director – Enterprise advised that:


·       £250k had been allocated within the capital for the development of Churchgate to employ professional experts.

·       Whilst developing the new Economic Development Strategy, relationships were being built which would be beneficial going forward with the work programme.

·       The Enterprise directorate worked alongside other department in the Council with their initiatives.

·       The fire at the Baldock Industrial State had been a challenge with no simple way to resolve and several companies were working together to find a way forward. However, this was not a project of the Council.

·       Staff shortages in the directorate had slowed down completion of tasks, including the action plan for the Economic Development Strategy.

·       The key lesson learnt from the previous Economic Commercial Strategy was to be realistic of what can be achieved and to make sure the right resources, and accompanying action plans, were in place.


In response to questions, the Culture and Facilities Manager advised that:


·       A lot of work had been completed at the Town Hall, including a new website and two new bars.

·       Internal events at the Town Hall had been profitable and a new booking system had been introduced for efficiency.

·       Museums were not a profitable business and the benefits were social.

·       Revenue generated had increased compared to the year before.

·       The directorate was working on an initiative to support art and culture county wide in collaboration with the University of Hertfordshire.

·       There was a North Herts Arts and Culture networking group and many arts groups were run in the district.


In response to questions, the Enterprise Manager advised that:


·       The directorate was looking to organise business networking forums to help businesses succeed.

·       The development of Churchgate was a large project and the department was producing a new Economic Development Strategy to include an Action Plan with measurable KPIs.

·       The Action Plan was currently in a draft form.

·       The brief for writing the Economic Development Strategy focused on why North Herts was a good place to start a business and to work.

·       The Shared Prosperity Fund had been delivered under the Economic Development Strategy for the past three years which made a real difference to the community and enabled funds to be allocated to parishes and local groups.

·       The Enterprise directorate worked closely with the Chamber of Commerce for data and networking.


N.B. During the questions on this item, Councillor Muncer left the Chamber and returned at 20.47 and Councillor Daniel Wright-Mason left the Chamber and returned at 20.51.


Councillor Matt Barnes, as Chair, proposed and Councillor Jon Clayden seconded and, following a vote, it was:


RESOLVED: That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted the report.


REASON FOR DECISION: The report is following the request of the committee for an update on the progress of the Enterprise Directorate and is for information only.


N.B. Following the conclusion of this item there was a short break in proceedings, and the meeting reconvened at 21.15.


N.B. Councillor Martin Prescott left the Chamber during the break and did not return to the meeting.

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