Agenda item




This report asks Cabinet to recommend the approval of the Strategic Masterplan Framework for land to the east of Luton to Full Council. This site is allocated for development in the Council’s adopted Local Plan (Sites EL1, 2 & 3, Policy SP19) as a strategic site for approximately 2,100 homes and supporting infrastructure.


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL: That the Strategic Masterplan Framework for the land East of Luton (Local Plan sites EL1, 2 & 3), attached at Appendix A, is approved and adopted as a material planning consideration for relevant planning decisions relating to the site.


REASON FOR RECOMMENDATION: To set an agreed design framework for the delivery of a strategic site within the Council’s adopted Local Plan. To accord with policy requirements of the Local Plan.


Audio recording – 38 minutes 13 seconds


Councillor Daniel Allen, as Interim Executive Member for Planning and Transport, presented the report entitled ‘Land East of Luton Strategic Masterplan Framework’ and advised that:


·       This report asked Cabinet to refer to Full Council the approval of the Strategic Masterplan Framework for land to the east of Luton as a material planning consideration.

·       Allocation of this site had already been agreed and was detailed in the Local Plan.

·       This Masterplan detailed how the scheme would address the expectations and meet targets of the Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

·       The land to the east of Luton had been identified to meet housing requirements in the area.

·       There would be provision of two primary schools, a secondary school and a local centre.

·       Details of changes made to the Masterplan could be found in the plan itself and the summary document at Appendix B.

·       Officers would provide Members with a presentation of key plans prior to the debate at Full Council on 28 November. The developer team, Luton Council and Offley Council would also be in attendance for the Item.

·       Members had been invited to attend a briefing session on the masterplan on 14 November which had been well attended.


The Chair advised that the Strategic Planning Manager would be addressing points raised in an email received from Offley Parish Council on 20 November 2024 when he answered any questions from Members.


The following Members asked questions:


·       Councillor Tamsin Thomas

·       Councillor Val Bryant

·       Councillor Ian Albert

·       Councillor Dave Winstanley


In response to questions, the Strategic Planning Manager advised that:


·       This Masterplan was just one stage in a number of processes required to happen before the scheme reached delivery stage.

·       This Masterplan committed to delivering 40% affordable housing. The legal agreement(s) accompanying any application(s) would ensure needs in Luton were met.

·       One of the key issues of this Masterplan was to ensure the three different land ownerships worked together to create a high level of unity between the sites.

·       Detailed planning stages allowed for a mixed range of housing both across and within each of the three sites.

·       Public discussions had been held with Offley Parish Council at Cockernhoe regarding the views of the villagers and feedback could be found on page 97 of the agenda pack.

·       Housing needs in Luton had been considered in allocation of the site in the Local Plan. The planning application stage would be the stage when any subsequent changes to the housing needs in Luton could be addressed.

·       Hertfordshire County Council had been involved in the whole Masterplan process and both Highways and Education were supportive.

·       There were already bus links from Stevenage to Luton and Hertfordshire County Council were not planning to build any new roads in the area.


In response to questions, the Associate Director or Hyas Associates advised that:


·       The valuable characteristics of the area had been considered to ensure the villages were kept separate from the new development but also how to build cohesion between all the sites.

·       Woodland and open spaces were valuable assets and would be preserved.

·       Public consultation had been robust to ensure the best development of the area.


The following Members took part in the debate:


·       Councillor Ian Albert

·       Councillor Daniel Allen

·       Councillor Mick Debenham


Points raised during the debate included:


·       That Members acknowledged the concerns of Offley Parish Council and residents in the village of Cockernhoe.

·       This Masterplan was a good plan and had been produced to a high-level design framework.

·       The production of Masterplans should be supported as they ensured procedures were followed to ensure the best results for residents.


Councillor Amy Allen proposed and Councillor Val Bryant seconded and, following a vote, it was:


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL: That the Strategic Masterplan Framework for the land East of Luton (Local Plan sites EL1, 2 & 3), attached at Appendix A, is approved and adopted as a material planning consideration for relevant planning decisions relating to the site.


REASON FOR RECOMMENDATION: To set an agreed design framework for the delivery of a strategic site within the Council’s adopted Local Plan. To accord with policy requirements of the Local Plan.

Supporting documents: