Agenda item




This report asks Cabinet to recommend the approval of the Strategic Masterplan Framework for land to the north-east of Great Ashby to Full Council. This site is allocated for development in the Council’s adopted Local Plan (Site GA2, Policy SP18) as a strategic site for approximately 600 homes and supporting infrastructure.


RESOLVED: That the Strategic Masterplan Framework for the land North-East of Great Ashby (Local Plan site GA2), attached at Appendix A, was approved and adopted as a material planning consideration for relevant planning decisions relating to the site.




(1)   To set an agreed design framework for the delivery of a strategic site within the Council’s adopted Local Plan.


(2)   To accord with policy requirements of the Local Plan.


Audio recording 1 hour 12 minutes


N.B. Councillors Alistair Willoughby and Stewart Willoughby declared an interest regarding a family member employed by the Developer. The Monitoring Officer confirmed they had sought advice and a dispensation had been granted for the item.

Interim Executive Member for Planning and Transport, Councillor Daniel Allen,  presented referral 8B from Cabinet and the report ‘Land North-East of Great Ashby (GA2) – Strategic Masterplan Framework’ and stated that:


·       This site was allocated in the Local Plan for the development of 600 homes.

·       Due to the size of the development a Masterplan was required following a public consultation.


The Strategic Planning Manager presented the report and provided a visual presentation of the site plans.


The following Members asked points of clarification:


·       Councillor Ian Albert

·       Councillor Ruth Brown

·       Councillor Vijaiya Poopalasingham

·       Councillor Steve Jarvis

·       Councillor Laura Williams

·       Councillor Ralph Muncer


In response to points of clarification, the Strategic Planning Manager advised:


·       There would be minor, low level work required for the emergency access point on Back Lane.

·       The landlord of the disused land had not indicated any potential forthcoming development of the land.

·       Cycle times had focused on the two development sites.

·       There would be a cycle route to the south for the secondary school and to the southwest to Stevenage Town Centre. Further routes would be reviewed at the next stage of the development.

·       Developer contributions would be negotiated at the outline planning and reserve matters stages.


In response to points of clarification, the Senior Transport Policy Officer advised:


·       An extensive upgrade would be required for general access from Back Lane, this development would not generate anywhere near enough S106 money for that.

·       It was thought that an average person would take approximately 20 minutes to cycle to Stevenage train station from the site.

·       Further bus service details would be required at the outline planning stage of the project. The ideal route would link both sites and link to the hospital. The residents of Great Ashby would also benefit from a more frequent service. 

·       There would be a physical locked restriction in place at Back Lane, Emergency services would have a key for access.

·       The most direct cycle route to Stevenage would be via a recently built underpass. A review would occur regarding St Nicholas Park and any feasibility for a cycle path upgrade.

·       Further tests regarding feasibility would occur at the outline planning stage, with the Planning Committee considering the details and reports.

·       A recent traffic survey had occurred and using that modelling the impact of 1280 new vehicles suggested that 290 traffic movements would occur out of the area in peak morning traffic with 120 movement into the area. Highways had therefore not proposed any improvements but would encourage active walking and cycling.

·       There were some improvements expected to a crossing at Mendip Way.


The following Members took part in debate:


·       Councillor Ralph Muncer

·       Councillor Steve Jarvis


Points raised in debate included:


·       There were concerns regarding the single access point.

·       It should be considered whether additional access via Back Lane would outweigh the harm of any hedge removal.

·       It was important to continue discussions with the NHS regarding the possibility of any healthcare provision.

·       Residents and the public should be updated on each progression stage.

·       The site was included in the Local Plan with one principal access point.

·       It was often difficult to secure agreements at the Masterplan stage.

·       Back Lane should not be used for access.

·       It was optimistic to assume residents would walk and cycle, and more likely that they would drive.

·       There were isolated woodlands that would not be attractive to walk or cycle alone through.

·       The access onto and through the site was not satisfactory.


N.B. Councillor Dominic Griffiths left the Chamber at 21:18 prior to the vote on this matter and did not return.


Councillor Daniel Allen proposed and Councillor Mick Debenham seconded and, following a vote, it was:


RESOLVED: That the Strategic Masterplan Framework for the land North-East of Great Ashby (Local Plan site GA2), attached at Appendix A, was approved and adopted as a material planning consideration for relevant planning decisions relating to the site.




(1)   To set an agreed design framework for the delivery of a strategic site within the Council’s adopted Local Plan.


(2)   To accord with policy requirements of the Local Plan.


N.B. Following the conclusion of this item there was a break in the proceedings until 21:37. Councillors Ruth Clifton did not return after the break.

Supporting documents: