Agenda item


To receive any oral reports from Members regarding Ward matters and Outside Organisations.


Members gave verbal reports regarding the following:


·                Arts Council North Herts;

·                East and North Herts NHS Trust - Involvement Committee;

·                Knebworth Village Trust;

·                Hertfordshire Health Scrutiny Committee;

·                Planning Matters;

·                London Luton Airport;

·                County Council Matters.


RESOLVED: That Councillor Henry be requested to make a brief presentation regarding Citizens Advice North Herts.


REASON FOR DECISION: To keep the Southern Rural Committee apprised of matters relating to wards in the area and Outside Organisations.


Audio recording – Start of Item – 46 minutes 45 seconds


Arts Council North Herts

Councillor Deakin-Davies advised that the Arts Council North Herts currently promoted classical music activities in Hitchin and Letchworth by giving out grants, typically of between £200 and £250, although the maximum available grant was £900.


NHDC would no longer be funding this organisation and, as it had not investigated any other funding sources, would likely run out of money around September 2018.


He was working with the Arts Council North Herts to apply for funding from the Arts Council and was trying to get them to understand that arts did not just cover classical music, but also other arts such as dance and mix mastering.


East and North Herts NHS Trust - Involvement Committee

Councillor Deakin-Davies advised that this Trust included the Lister and QEII Hospitals and some community services.


The Trust was changing and was holding a consultation event at the Gordon Craig Theatre.


It was likely that there would be a cancer treatment centre at the Lister Hospital within the next 2 years.


Knebworth Village Trust

Councillor Deakin-Davies advised that Knebworth Village Trust was a private grant giving organisation.


It was given a building, which had been funded by Section 106 funding. The Trust sold the building and invested the funds. They use the interest on those funds to give grants to people who live in the Parish of Knebworth.


The Trust currently held approximately £798,000 in investments and had, over the last 10-15 years, given out grant funding amounting to £1 million.


Hertfordshire Health Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Deakin-Davies advised that Hertfordshire County Council had responsibility, under the NHS and Government Acts, to look at the provision of all care.


The Committee scrutinised all of the NHS Trusts in Hertfordshire twice a year and considered issues such as targets, effectiveness and risks. They also held to account the care commissioning groups.


Currently being taken to Court by Nascot Lawn who were questing the quality of decisions made.


Planning Matters

Councillor Barnard informed Members that the Public enquiry regarding the Gladman development in Offley started on 12 June 2018 and was due to conclude by 18 June 2018


Members should note that Gladman had other sites in North Herts.


Carla Homes had submitted two appeals regarding the decision made about the construction management plan for the site in Pirton.


Both appeals had been upheld with costs awarded against Council.


London Luton Airport

Councillor Barnard advised that Luton Airport was changing at a rapid pace although there was still a lot of work to be done.


Councillor Moody advised that there had been an open evening in Codicote from Ash Hill last week to look at the proposed development of one of the biggest sites in the village which was attended by approximately 300 people.


County Council Matters

Councillor Barnard, in his role as County Councillor, advised:


That many potholes were being filled, although this was a neve ending job.


Citybus had suddenly increased their prices, reduced discounts and reduced concessions, this affected many of the villages.


He had been in contact with the relevant County Council Executive Member who would be taking the matter forward.


Members agreed that Councillor Henry be requested to make a presentation regarding Citizens Advice North Herts at the next meeting.


RESOLVED: That Councillor Henry be requested to make a brief presentation regarding Citizens Advice North Herts.


REASON FOR DECISION: To keep the Southern Rural Committee apprised of matters relating to wards in the area and Outside Organisations.