Agenda item


To receive an oral presentation from the Hitchin BID Manager.


Audio Recording – Start of Item – Session 1 – 1 hour 27 minutes 19 seconds


Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Judi Billing declared a declarable interest as she was a Director of Hitchin Initiative. She did not have a pecuniary interest in Hitchin BID and therefore would remain in the room for the presentation.


Mr Tom Hardy, Hitchin BID Manager, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation on the issues and activities in Hitchin.


The Chairman thanked Mr Hardy for his presentation.


Audio Recording – Start of Item – Session 1 – 1 hour 27 minutes 19 seconds


Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Judi Billing declared a declarable interest as she was a Director of Hitchin Initiative. She did not have a pecuniary interest in Hitchin BID and therefore would remain in the room for the presentation.


Mr Tom Hardy, Hitchin BID Manager, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation on the issues and activities in Hitchin as follows:


Role of the BID

The services provided using the BID levy included:

·                A series of events such as the Food Festival and Christmas Light Switch On;

·                Marketing events;

·                Day and Night Rangers;

·                Annual street cleaning such as chewing gum removal;

·                Recycling of cardboard for businesses;

·                Floral displays;

·                An extended CCTV service;

·                Taking part in Pub Watch and Shop Watch.


BID Renewal

The BID was renewable every 5 years and a new 5 year business plan had been developed.


·                All 606 BID levy payers within the BID boundary would have a vote in November to decide whether the BID would continue;

·                They were currently undertaking workshops, consultations, surveys and face to face visits;

·                Feedback included providing training opportunities for businesses such as fire marshal training and social media and visual merchandising training;

·                Looking at increasing recycling offer to include other materials;

·                Considering a tourism strategy to promote the town to a wide audience;

·                Looking at improving the website and increasing social media activities;

·                A steering group had been set up to pull together all of the information gathered and devise a business plan;

·                Keen to remain a collective voice for the businesses in the town.


Timeline for BID Renewal

·                Once all of the information had been gathered an achievable BID business plan would be prepared;

·                The draft business plan would be ready in August 2018;

·                The AGM would be held in September 2018;

·                Votes would be sent to businesses in early November 2018;

·                Votes would be counted on 3 December 2018;

·                The result of the ballot would be declared on 4 December 2018:

·                If the result was positive the renewal would start on 1 April 2019 and run to 31 March 2024.


Items to be included in new Business Plan

·                Business as usual i.e. things already doing;

·                Provide a good shopping map of the town showing the 89 independent retailers and 60 eateries in the town;

·                Support the Hitchin Festival to produce the programme of events;

·                Working on new town and tourism guides;

·                Working jointly with Hitchin Initiative to provide monthly newsletters;

·                Offering GDP training to businesses.


In response to questions from Members Mr Hardy advised:

·                Nationally retail was going through a difficult time;

·                The BID aimed to help promote the town in order to help combat shop closures;

·                Closure of large shops did have a big impact on the town, but retail units generally filled quickly in Hitchin;

·                BIDS needed to remain politically impartial. When considering allowing political parties to have stalls in town centres BIDS can either say no to any political party or yes to all. If one political party is more active than others it could be perceived that the BID was favouring one party over another.

·                By the end of the week floral displays would be installed in red, white and blue to recognise the First World War centenary.


The Chairman thanked Mr Hardy for his presentation.