Agenda item




To consider and agree the Draft Proposals for the second stage of public consultation of the Community Governance Review.


RESOLVED: That Council:


(1)   Noted the outcome of the first stage consultation.


(2)   Agreed the Draft Proposals for the Community Governance Review, launching a public consultation on these [note that the Final Recommendations will be considered at a future Council meeting, taking the results of the public consultation into account] to subject to the following amendments:


i     Letchworth:


Draft Proposals

(1) Create a new parish for Letchworth, served by a new Town Council, subject to engagement from local residents through the consultation, with wards to align to the district wards:

Grange: 3

Norton: 2

South East: 3

South West: 3

Wilbury: 2

(2)To ensure local people are aware of the proposal to establish a Town Council and the opportunities and implications of it, hard-copy leaflets should be produced with the Comms team and distributed to every household in Letchworth inviting them to respond to the consultation. The information will be entirely neutral, leaving the opportunity for local people to discuss and motivate the decision.


       ii.  That the proposed number of councillors for parishes with fewer than 500

            electors be reduced from 7 to 5.


(3)   Noted that hard-copy leaflets will be distributed to households in areas where external parish boundaries are proposed to be moved, new parish councils established, or new parish wards implemented.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: The Council is required to keep parish electoral arrangements under review. Following the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) review of district electoral arrangements (Council size and warding patterns), it is necessary to review parish arrangements across the district to bring them into alignment, ensure they remain fit for purpose, and to ensure they continue to reflect local needs. This report provides Draft Proposals following the first round of public consultation. Before Final Recommendations can be developed and considered, there must be a public consultation on the Draft Proposals, the responses to which will be taken into account in forming the Final Recommendations.


Audio recording – 5 minutes 46 seconds


Richard Beesley, a Consultant working for the Council, presented the report entitled ‘Community Governance Review – Draft Proposals for Public Consultation’ and advised that:


·       The Council was undertaking a Community Governance Review (CGR) of parish electoral arrangements.

·       The results from the first stage of public consultation had been used to develop a number of draft proposals.

·       Once these draft proposals were approved by Council, a second round of public consultation would begin. Responses to the second round of public consultation would be used to develop the final recommendations which would come back to Council later in the year for consideration and implementation.

·       This paper set out the background and legislative considerations, but nothing has been finalised at this stage.

·       It was important to hear the views of local people, parish and town councils throughout the consultation.

·       Part of the proposal was to change the electoral cycle to move parish and town council elections in line with North Herts Council elections.

·       Another part was to amend the number of parish and town councillors as set out in paragraph 8.10 of the report.

·       It was proposed to adjust several external parish boundaries and to create new town councils in Baldock and Hitchin.

·       It was proposed to adjust internal parish ward boundaries to align with North Herts Council wards in Royston and to create of new parish ward in Ickleford.

·       Leaflets would be distributed to households in areas affected by any proposed changes to ensure awareness of public consultations. This would start slightly later on 14 March 2025.


Following a question from Councillor Clare Strong, the Consultant advised that parish council elections could still be changed if required following the English Devolution White Paper.


Councillor Emma Fernandes proposed an amendment to recommendation 2.2 for a draft proposal for a parish and town council for Letchworth, subject to consultation with residents, with wards to align to the district wards. Councillor Nigel Mason seconded the amendment.


The following Members took part in the debate on the amendment: 


·       Councillor Ian Mantle

·       Councillor Ralph Muncer

·       Councillor David Chalmers

·       Councillor Claire Strong

·       Councillor Sean Nolan

·       Councillor Sean Prendergast

·       Councillor Nigel Mason

·       Councillor Alistair Willoughby

·       Councillor Tina Bhartwas

·       Councillor Daniel Allen


Points raised during the debate included:


·       There had been an unsuccessful attempt in the past to create a parish for Letchworth due to the results of consultation with local residents.

·       Due to the uncertainty in the future of the Council following the English Devolution White Paper it was important to ensure that Letchworth was not left without a town council.

·       The residents of Letchworth should be given the opportunity to discuss and offer their opinions before a decision of creating a parish and new town council was decided.

·       There were concerns of the costs involved and whether it was the right time for this to happen with the uncertainty of the future of the Council.

·       The number of councillor seats per ward could be determined at a later stage in the proposal.


Following a vote the amendment was CARRIED.


Councillor Steve Jarvis proposed an amendment to recommendation 2.2. to change the proposed number of councillors for parishes with fewer than 500 electors to five. Councillor Tom Tyson seconded the amendment.


The following Members to part in the debate on the amendment:


·       Councillor Val Bryant

·       Councillor Ralph Muncer

·       Councillor Ruth Brown

·       Councillor Claire Strong

·       Councillor Martin Prescott

·       Councillor Tom Tyson

·       Councillor David Barnard


Points raised in the debate included:


·       Concern that there may not be enough councillors if one or two were absent and the number had been reduced to five, for committee meetings to be quorum.

·       Reducing to number of ward councillors to five in smaller parishes could limit the skill set and knowledge available.

·       The number of ward councillors did not dictate the quality of the work carried out.

·       Parish councils would be encouraged to respond to public consultations to have their say on what number of councillors would best suit their community.

·       The view of the residents must be sought to ensure that services were delivered effectively.

·       Five councillors worked well for smaller parishes and there was always an option to increase this is required.


Councillor David Chalmers withdrew the amendment proposed to recommendation 2.2 for a draft proposal for a parish and town council for Letchworth.


The following Members took part in the debate on the substantive motion:


·       Councillor Ian Mantle

·       Councillor Ralph Muncer

·       Councillor Nigel Mason


Points raised in the debate included:


·       To consider whether it was the right time to create a new parish and town council with the impending local government reorganisation.

·       The importance of consultation with parish councils, who should be encouraged to respond to ensure their views are heard.


Councillor Daniel Allen proposed and Councillor Val Bryant seconded the amended substantive motion and, following a vote, it was:


RESOLVED: That Council:


(1)   Noted the outcome of the first stage consultation.


(2)   Agreed the Draft Proposals for the Community Governance Review, launching a public consultation on these [note that the Final Recommendations will be considered at a future Council meeting, taking the results of the public consultation into account] to subject to the following amendments:


i     Letchworth:


Draft Proposals

(1) Create a new parish for Letchworth, served by a new Town Council, subject to engagement from local residents through the consultation, with wards to align to the district wards:

Grange: 3

Norton: 2

South East: 3

South West: 3

Wilbury: 2

(2)To ensure local people are aware of the proposal to establish a Town Council and the opportunities and implications of it, hard-copy leaflets should be produced with the Comms team and distributed to every household in Letchworth inviting them to respond to the consultation. The information will be entirely neutral, leaving the opportunity for local people to discuss and motivate the decision.


ii.   That the proposed number of councillors for parishes with fewer than 500

electors be reduced from 7 to 5.


(3)   Noted that hard-copy leaflets will be distributed to households in areas where external parish boundaries are proposed to be moved, new parish councils established, or new parish wards implemented.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: The Council is required to keep parish electoral arrangements under review. Following the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) review of district electoral arrangements (Council size and warding patterns), it is necessary to review parish arrangements across the district to bring them into alignment, ensure they remain fit for purpose, and to ensure they continue to reflect local needs. This report provides Draft Proposals following the first round of public consultation. Before Final Recommendations can be developed and considered, there must be a public consultation on the Draft Proposals, the responses to which will be taken into account in forming the Final Recommendations.

Supporting documents: