Agenda item


To consider any matters referred to the Committee for a decision in relation to a call-in of decision.


At the time of publication, one item had been accepted as a Call-In, under 6.3.11 of the Constitution, regarding the Cabinet decision taken on 11 February 2025 on Proposed Parking Tariffs for 2025/26.


Following agreement from the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee, it was agreed this item would be considered within this scheduled meeting, rather than as an extraordinary meeting.


The Chair advised that one item had been accepted as a Call-In, under 6.3.11 of the Constitution, regarding the Cabinet decision taken on 11 February 2025 on Proposed Parking Tariffs for 2025/26. The decision was called in by Councillors Ralph Muncer, Martin Prescott, Joe Graziano, Steven Patmore and David Barnard.


RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommends that:


(1)     Cabinet reconsiders the proposed on-street and off-street charging tariffs in Royston and Knebworth in light of the information received at the meeting.


(2)     Cabinet considers the increase in parking charges based on the updated modelling, specifically around the 4% increase in charges, where this had not been applied to all charges.


(3)     Cabinet notes the importance of Overview & Scrutiny in supporting Cabinet in reaching robust policy decisions and works with the Chair of the Committee to effectively facilitate this.  

Supporting documents: