Agenda item




To update the Committee on the progress made in the last quarter on the People Strategy 2015 – 2020 which covers the Workforce Development needs.


IT WAS AGREED:That the information note entitled People Strategy Update be noted.


REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Committee to consider the People Strategy Update.


The Corporate Human Resources Manager presented the Information Note entitled People Strategy Update and drew attention to the following:


Work Plan

A new Work Plan for 2018/19 was attached as Appendix B.



Feedback regarding the electronic shortlisting process had been positive and this was now being used for the majority of vacancies.



A number of apprentice places had been agreed for recruitment, including some higher apprentices and it had also been agreed which departments would have an apprentice.


In response to a question, the Corporate Human Resources Manager explained the different types of apprentice roles.


Equal Pay and Equalities

The Council’s Gender Pay Gap figures had been calculated and the narrative to accompany them, including an action plan had been submitted on-line and published on the Council’s website.


Work had commenced on the Equal Pay Review and the report from this review would be considered by this Committee.


Pay and Benefits

The current contract with Serco under a Framework Agreement which included Payroll Services had been extended until March 2021 and NHDC had received costings regarding the extended contract.


The current HR and Payroll system was coming to the end of its commercial life and would cease to be supported from the early 2020’s. This had provided an opportunity to review the current service provision.

A new outsourced payroll service would be sought. It should be noted that the introduction of a new payroll service would need at least 18 months in order to allow time for adaptations and simultaneous testing and payroll runs alongside the existing system.


Members queried whether there were any opportunities for joint working on this service and in what respect Serco was not working for NHDC.


The Corporate Human Resources Manager advised that SMT had considered a paper regarding all options including partnership working and framework agreements.


Serco ensured everyone got paid, however HR spent a lot of time dealing with minor errors however price was the main consideration and it was felt that NHDC could get better value elsewhere.


NHDC would stay with Serco for 1 further year so that there was more time to consider alternatives and have a smooth transition..


The current contracts for the provision of the Employee Assistance Programme and Occupational Health services would expire in March 2019 and a review was being undertaken to consider how these services would be provided from that date.


HCC were currently providing a Framework Agreement for the provision of these services and had invited NHDC to be named in this. This would allow the Council to draw down from this agreement once it had been established, but did not commit NHDC to using the services.


Learning and Development

Learning and Development were currently working on clarifying the need for a leadership development programme for the new Senior Management Team, this programme would commence in the autumn.


Organisational Restructure

HR had been dealing with a number of restructures including IT.



Absence had been higher in 2017/18 with a number of long term absences of staff with serious heath problems. The year had ended at 6.15 days absence per FTE. Short term absence was up by 0.42 days and above the target of 3.5 days per FTE.


In response to a question the Corporate Human Resources Manager advised that long term absence started at 21 days.


IT WAS AGREED:That the information note entitled People Strategy Update be noted.


REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Committee to consider the People Strategy Update.

Supporting documents: