Agenda item



Mrs Sue Holdin, Director , Best Before Café, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee in support of their grant application.


Audio recording – Start of Item – Session 1 – 8 minutes 27 seconds


Sue Holdin, Dougal Muir and Henry Haldney, Best Before Café CIC, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee regarding their grant application as follows:


·                The Best Before café was not for profit community café run by a group of local residents, who volunteer in different organisations around the town;

·                Three of their volunteers also volunteered at the Letchworth Food Bank and therefore were aware of the need for this type of service;

·                They belonged to the real junk food project, a charitable organisation trying to solve two problems, that of food waste and feeding those who would otherwise go hungry;

·                The Best Before Café offered fresh food to those residents most in need on a pay you feel basis;

·                Pay as you feel was a pricing model that enabled customer to pay what they wanted, or could afford;

·                The Café offered surplus supermarket food which had been donated to them;

·                The food was collected by volunteers and displayed in the style of a food boutique;

·                Tea, Coffee and light snacks were also offered;

·                Customers came from all areas of the town;

·                They wanted to support diversity and unity by binging people together to discuss the issues addressed by the Café;

·                They had so far placed one post on Facebook and this had reached 14,000 people, had 3,000 interactions and 132 likes, showing that there was great interest in this project;

·                They hoped that the more vulnerable people would feel that they were helping solve the problem of food waste;

·                Grant funding was requested to pay for liability insurance, leaflets and posters and café equipment.


In response to questions from Members Ms Holdin advised that:


·                During the Summer months they would be based at Ms Howard Hall and in September would be moving to the Brotherhood Hall;

·                They would be open each Wednesday;

·                They were part of the Fair Share organisation, which had Tesco’s signed up and in October 2018 Waitrose would also be signed up to this organisation;

·                The food bank offered dry and canned foods in parcels, where the client did not get a choice, whereas the Café offered fresh ingredients and dry foods that they could choose from and they would aim to offer hot food;

·                The experience of Watford café was that there was no food left, however any leftover food would be utilised to make food for the following week or be frozen:

·                They collected from the supermarkets the day before or the day that the café opened and therefore did not require storage space;

·                The food banks provided a valuable service which supplied food to 493 people from Letchworth in the last quarter;

·                The café aimed to reduce stigma and get people to talk about food waste;

·                They had received grants funding of £200 from County Councillor Bloxham and would be applying for funding from County Councillor Hone and Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation;

·                They would be targeting their leaflet delivery to Wilbury and Grange.


Members advised that Westbury and Jackmans should be included in the area to target for leaflet delivery.