Agenda item



Diversification of Sandon Bury Farm to provide an events venue and guest accommodation, comprising demolition of existing modern buildings within the Sandon Bury Farm complex, change of use of existing buildings from agricultural uses to an events venue, guest accommodation and alterations to listed and non-listed buildings (Black Barn, grain store and hay barn).


RESOLVED:That, application 18/00584/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the conditions and reasons set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager and the amended and additional conditions, reasons and informatives below.


Condition 8 to read:


“Prior to the installation of any fixed plant, a noise survey following the guidelines set out by BS4142:2014 shall be undertaken. This survey shall take into account all proposed fixed plant as part of the development and shall include noise control measures which should be submitted for written approval by the Local Planning Authority (LPA). No fixed plant shall be installed and operated at the site until the noise survey has been approved by the LPA. Noise mitigation measures shall be such as to achieve 5dB below existing background noise levels. The fixed plant as approved shall thereafter be maintained in accordance with the approved noise control measures."


Reason: to protect the amenities of existing residents.


Condition 9 to read:


“Goods vehicle deliveries and refuse vehicles shall only be permitted between 08.00hrs and 20.00hrs Monday to Friday, 08.00hrs and 18.00hrs Saturdays and no deliveries or collections shall take place at all on Sundays and Bank Holidays.”


Reason: to protect the amenities of existing residents.


Condition 11 to read:


“A maximum of seventy-five (75) event days shall take place per calendar year with no more than three (3) event days taking place per calendar week.”


Reason: to protect the amenities of existing residents.


Condition 12 to read:


“Live and recorded music shall not be permitted to take place in the outside areas of the venue at any time except for music accompanying a ceremony and shall last for no longer than one (1) hour between 10.00hrs and 20.00hrs on any event day. “


Reason: to protect the amenities of existing residents.


An additional condition to read:


1        (a) A suitable environmental noise control device of the ‘cut-off limiter’ type shall be installed in the Black Barn, calibrated and set to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority (LPA). The device must be set at an appropriate time in the presence of an officer of the LPA. No amplified live or recorded music shall take place in the Black Barn until this device has been installed and set in accordance with this condition. (b) Once the environmental noise control device has been installed, calibrated and set to the satisfaction of the LPA it must not be removed, adjusted or replaced:

(i)      without twenty-eight (28) days prior notification to the LPA and;

(ii)      without the written consent that the removal, adjustment or replacement of the device is permitted and that documentation stating this is received from the LPA.

(c) Following receipt of the documentation stated in (b)(ii), all the requirements of the LPA must be carried out. Use of all noise equipment for amplified live or recorded music taking place in the Black Barn is not permitted until such a time that confirmation from the LPA that it is permitted has been received.

(d) In the event of a malfunction of the environmental noise control device, the LPA shall be notified within two (2) working days of the problem and the remedial action proposed. No amplified live or recorded music shall take place in the Black Barn until the environmental noise control device is properly functioning and, if appropriate, has been reset, calibrated and set to the satisfaction of the LPA and/or the LPA has received and approved the necessary documentation confirming this.

(e) The environmental noise control device shall be secured in a manner approved by the LPA so as to prevent unauthorised access to and tampering with the controls.

(f) All noise equipment used for amplified live and recorded music in the Black Barn must be routed through the environmental noise control device and this device must be operational during such activities.

(g) If requested by the LPA, the environmental noise control device shall be recalibrated and reset to their satisfaction and in the presence of an officer of the LPA.”


Reason: to protect the amenities of existing residents.


Audio Recording of Meeting – Start of item - 3 minutes 19 seconds


Diversification of Sandon Bury Farm to provide an events venue and guest accommodation, comprising demolition of existing modern buildings within the Sandon Bury Farm complex, change of use of existing buildings from agricultural uses to an events venue, guest accommodation and alterations to listed and non-listed buildings (Black Barn, grain store and hay barn).


The Senior Planning Officer provided updates to the report regarding the following:



Further representation has been received both in support and objection to the application.


Amendments to Recommended Conditions


Condition 8 to read:

“Prior to the installation of any fixed plant, a noise survey following the guidelines set out by BS4142:2014 shall be undertaken. This survey shall take into account all proposed fixed plant as part of the development and shall include noise control measures which should be submitted for written approval by the Local Planning Authority (LPA). No fixed plant shall be installed and operated at the site until the noise survey has been approved by the LPA. Noise mitigation measures shall be such as to achieve 5dB below existing background noise levels. The fixed plant as approved shall thereafter be maintained in accordance with the approved noise control measures."


Reason: to protect the amenities of existing residents.


Condition 9 to read:

“Goods vehicle deliveries and refuse vehicles shall only be permitted between 08.00hrs and 20.00hrs Monday to Friday, 08.00hrs and 18.00hrs Saturdays and no deliveries or collections shall take place at all on Sundays and Bank Holidays.”


Reason: to protect the amenities of existing residents.


Condition 11 to read:

“A maximum of seventy-five (75) event days shall take place per calendar year with no more than three (3) event days taking place per calendar week.”


Reason: to protect the amenities of existing residents.


Condition 12 to read:

“Live and recorded music shall not be permitted to take place in the outside areas of the venue at any time except for music accompanying a ceremony and shall last for no longer than one (1) hour between 10.00hrs and 20.00hrs on any event day. “


Reason: to protect the amenities of existing residents.


An additional condition to read:

“1     (a) A suitable environmental noise control device of the ‘cut-off limiter’ type shall be installed in the Black Barn, calibrated and set to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority (LPA). The device must be set at an appropriate time in the presence of an officer of the LPA. No amplified live or recorded music shall take place in the Black Barn until this device has been installed and set in accordance with this condition. (b) Once the environmental noise control device has been installed, calibrated and set to the satisfaction of the LPA it must not be removed, adjusted or replaced:

(i)      without twenty-eight (28) days prior notification to the LPA and;

(ii)      without the written consent that the removal, adjustment or replacement of the device is permitted and that documentation stating this is received from the LPA.

(c) Following receipt of the documentation stated in (b)(ii), all the requirements of the LPA must be carried out. Use of all noise equipment for amplified live or recorded music taking place in the Black Barn is not permitted until such a time that confirmation from the LPA that it is permitted has been received.

(d) In the event of a malfunction of the environmental noise control device, the LPA shall be notified within two (2) working days of the problem and the remedial action proposed. No amplified live or recorded music shall take place in the Black Barn until the environmental noise control device is properly functioning and, if appropriate, has been reset, calibrated and set to the satisfaction of the LPA and/or the LPA has received and approved the necessary documentation confirming this.

(e) The environmental noise control device shall be secured in a manner approved by the LPA so as to prevent unauthorised access to and tampering with the controls.

(f) All noise equipment used for amplified live and recorded music in the Black Barn must be routed through the environmental noise control device and this device must be operational during such activities.

(g) If requested by the LPA, the environmental noise control device shall be recalibrated and reset to their satisfaction and in the presence of an officer of the LPA.”


Reason: to protect the amenities of existing residents.


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report of the Development and Conservation Manager in respect of planning application 18/00584/FP supported by a visual presentation consisting of plans, drawings and photographs of the site as presented to the Committee on 20 September 2018 when the application was deferred.


The following Members asked questions or sought clarification regarding the presentation of the report:


·                Councillor Michael Weeks:

·                Councillor Daniel Allen;

·                Councillor Harry Spencer-Smith;

·                Councillor Paul Clark;

·                Councillor Tony Hunter.


Ms Kate Wood, Sandon Action Group made a presentation in objection to application 18/00584/FP.


The following Members asked questions of clarification of Ms Wood’s presentation:


·                Councillor Michael Weeks:

·                Councillor Ruth Brown;

·                Councillor Harry Spencer-Smith.


Councillor Steve Jarvis, Member Advocate, made a presentation in objection to application 18/00584/FP.


The following Member asked questions of clarification of Councillor Jarvis’ presentation:


·                Councillor Harry Spencer-Smith.


Mrs Kate Redmond, Mr Mark Faure-Walker, Ms Michelle Dawson and Mr Alan Hatton, Applicant and Applicant’s Agents, made a presentation in support of application 18/00584/FP.


The following Members asked questions of clarification of Mrs Kate Redmond Mr Mark Faure-Walker, Ms Michelle Dawson and Mr Alan Hatton’s presentation:


·                Councillor Sue Ngwala;

·                Councillor Harry Spencer-Smith.


The Senior Planning Officer responded to the matters raised by the speakers.


The Committee debated the application. The following Members contributed to the debate:


·                Councillor Tony Hunter;

·                Councillor Paul Clark

·                Councillor Michael Muir;

·                Councillor Michael Weeks;

·                Councillor Daniel Allen;

·                Councillor Harry Spencer-Smith;

·                Councillor Sarah Dingley.


The Senior Planning Officer, Area Planning Officer and Senior Environmental Health Officer answered questions as they arose.


Upon being moved by Councillor Weeks, seconded by Councillor Dingley and put to the vote, it was


RESOLVED:That, application 18/00584/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the conditions and reasons set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager and the amended and additional conditions, reasons and informatives below.


Condition 8 to read:


“Prior to the installation of any fixed plant, a noise survey following the guidelines set out by BS4142:2014 shall be undertaken. This survey shall take into account all proposed fixed plant as part of the development and shall include noise control measures which should be submitted for written approval by the Local Planning Authority (LPA). No fixed plant shall be installed and operated at the site until the noise survey has been approved by the LPA. Noise mitigation measures shall be such as to achieve 5dB below existing background noise levels. The fixed plant as approved shall thereafter be maintained in accordance with the approved noise control measures."


Reason: to protect the amenities of existing residents.


Condition 9 to read:


“Goods vehicle deliveries and refuse vehicles shall only be permitted between 08.00hrs and 20.00hrs Monday to Friday, 08.00hrs and 18.00hrs Saturdays and no deliveries or collections shall take place at all on Sundays and Bank Holidays.”


Reason: to protect the amenities of existing residents.


Condition 11 to read:


“A maximum of seventy-five (75) event days shall take place per calendar year with no more than three (3) event days taking place per calendar week.”


Reason: to protect the amenities of existing residents.


Condition 12 to read:


“Live and recorded music shall not be permitted to take place in the outside areas of the venue at any time except for music accompanying a ceremony and shall last for no longer than one (1) hour between 10.00hrs and 20.00hrs on any event day. “


Reason: to protect the amenities of existing residents.


An additional condition to read:


1        (a) A suitable environmental noise control device of the ‘cut-off limiter’ type shall be installed in the Black Barn, calibrated and set to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority (LPA). The device must be set at an appropriate time in the presence of an officer of the LPA. No amplified live or recorded music shall take place in the Black Barn until this device has been installed and set in accordance with this condition. (b) Once the environmental noise control device has been installed, calibrated and set to the satisfaction of the LPA it must not be removed, adjusted or replaced:

(i)      without twenty-eight (28) days prior notification to the LPA and;

(ii)      without the written consent that the removal, adjustment or replacement of the device is permitted and that documentation stating this is received from the LPA.

(c) Following receipt of the documentation stated in (b)(ii), all the requirements of the LPA must be carried out. Use of all noise equipment for amplified live or recorded music taking place in the Black Barn is not permitted until such a time that confirmation from the LPA that it is permitted has been received.

(d) In the event of a malfunction of the environmental noise control device, the LPA shall be notified within two (2) working days of the problem and the remedial action proposed. No amplified live or recorded music shall take place in the Black Barn until the environmental noise control device is properly functioning and, if appropriate, has been reset, calibrated and set to the satisfaction of the LPA and/or the LPA has received and approved the necessary documentation confirming this.

(e) The environmental noise control device shall be secured in a manner approved by the LPA so as to prevent unauthorised access to and tampering with the controls.

(f) All noise equipment used for amplified live and recorded music in the Black Barn must be routed through the environmental noise control device and this device must be operational during such activities.

(g) If requested by the LPA, the environmental noise control device shall be recalibrated and reset to their satisfaction and in the presence of an officer of the LPA.”


Reason: to protect the amenities of existing residents.

Supporting documents: